Tarot Tuesday February 19th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week the card deck is the Morgan-Greer deck from U.S. Games Systems, Inc. There are crystals above each card that I am using as markers and will also include in the mini-reading. From left to right the crystals are Green Agate, Selenite, and Shungite.

Tarot Reveal

From left to right we have the Green Agate pyramid on the far left above the High Priestess card, in the center is the Selenite pyramid above the Ten of Swords, and on the far right is the Shungite pyramid above the Emperor card.

Green Agate

Agate is a type of Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. This stone has a stabilizing and strengthening influence. This stone is also good for attracting wealth and abundance of all kinds, including the growth and increase of health as well as finances or things. It will aid in attracting friendship too. It is a green stone and is aligned with the heart chakra. In divination this stone suggests a slow, steady increase in that which you need most now. It might be health, money, love, or a promotion. Overall when drawn to this stone you can expect an improvement, it may not be an instant improvement, but it is in the process of becoming more like what you desire.

High Priestess

This is the second Major Arcana, or Trump card in most traditional decks. The element is Water and the ruling planet is the Moon, which rules the sign Cancer(which rules home and family). This card represents the female indwelling presence of the divine, or anima. This card contains suggestions of it’s connection to the Moon with the crescent moon at the Priestess’ feet. This hints at cycles of not only the moon, or the female, but cycles of all kinds are subtly suggested. Water is generally seen as emotions and feelings, and they can ebb and flow like the tides.  Two in numerology represents communications and relationships among other things. With this card the communication could just as likely be from or to your subconscious as another person. This card has keywords like mystery, secrets, silence, stillness, and hidden. They suggest not only the possibility that something is being kept from you, but that perhaps your best course of action is to not “lay all your cards on the table” either. I have seen this card show up in readings representing the ideal, or “perfect” woman. With this in mind it may be time if you have been drawn to this card this week, to trust your inner feminine, your instincts and intuition. (also all keywords for this card) To work on communicating with and building relationship with that part of yourself.


Selenite is a clear transparent form of gypsum, a very soft mineral that is easily scratched and water-sensitive. A common mineral that crystallizes in long, blade-like striations, that can be shaped and tumbled.  It is named after the Moon Goddess Selene.  This stone has the ability to remove unwanted energies from the body. It balances and stabilizes not just the physical body but also emotions.  It is a protective stone that can also awaken your intuition. It can cleanse other crystals as well as you and your environment but it does itself need to be cleansed.  This stone resonates with the Crown Chakra and higher chakras. This is a highly valued stone for spiritual work, and can be used to cut cords, clear energy bodies and clear and align chakras. In divination it suggests that your situation might be unstable or about to change. You might have to separate from something or somebody that isn’t serving your best interests.

Ten of Swords

This card is the tenth card in the Minor Arcana suit of swords. It’s element and modality are mutable air, with the energy of the Sun and sign of Gemini. The number ten is often associated with endings and conclusions, but it also contains the number one within it hinting at a whole new beginning.  The image of this card is of a figure face down on the ground with ten swords impaled into the back. Swords are the element of Air, which is thinking and mentality. This might show faulty thinking being the cause of this unexpected ending. It might also point to the need for new thoughts or ways of thinking about things in order to avoid a repeat of this kind of painful experience. Sometimes I have seen this card appear in a reading when not only a new way of thinking were needed, but new methods as well, like trying meditation, or acupuncture(as the image looked at literally might suggest). In any case if you were drawn to this card this week it might be time to carefully examine your thoughts and belief system, then look around you to see what might not be alignment with your highest good and if it is time to clear that away so you can begin a new cycle.


Shungite is a black, lusterous, non-crystalline mineraloid that is more than 98 weight percent  carbon. It gets it’s name from where it was first described Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia. It contains trace amounts of fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Used in folk medicine since the early 18th century. Peter the Great set up Russia’s first Spa in Karelia to use the water filtering properties of this mineraloid. He also used it to provide purified water for the Russian Army. It’s black color is protective, and it’s electricity conducting ability make it a great amplifier in meditation and magick.  It is also said to protect from negative energies of all kinds including electronic pollution and E.M.F.s. It is also said to have a connection with the Earth Star Chakra, and ancient Earth energies. It is a very grounding and healing stone that is also used for the base or root Chakra.  In divination Shungite would point to a need to clean and protect yourself and your environment.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element,  cardinal modality, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, or staff with a globe, and a sword. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. This card may also represent you if you are in a position of authority, or taking control of some thing, or some aspect of your life. The number four in numerology represents things like foundations,  and security.  Some keywords connected with the Emperor card include law, order, power, authority, rules, boundaries, and promotion. If you have been drawn to this card this week it might be a good idea to set some clear boundaries with others, and focus on building secure foundations for yourself including relationships and your environment.

I hope that you have enjoyed the mini-readings this week, and found them to be useful. If you have any questions about this week’s mini-readings or would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com


Tarot Tuesday February 12th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

When you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week the deck is the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, from U.S. Games.  I have used crystals above each card and will include information on each in the mini-readings. From left to right the crystals that are above the cards as markers are Pietersite , Purpurite, and Chrysocolla.

The Reveal

From left to right we have Pietersite above the Six of Wands on the far left, Purpurite above the Page of Pentacles in the center, and Chrysocolla above the Queen of Swords on the far right. Take note of which card and crystal you were drawn to, and your first reaction to it. You can compare this initial intuition of yours with how you feel after you read the information in the mini-reading. Did the card you were drawn to make sense for you at this time? Did your initial reaction to the card prove to be aligned with the card interpretation? The more you pay attention to your own intuition and internal guidance system the stronger and more accurate they become.


Pietersite Crystal

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. It is a fairly recent discovery made by Sid Pieters in WIndhoek, Namibia. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Six of Wands

This card carries the energy of the planet Jupiter, and the sign Leo. Its modality is fixed and its element is fire.  The image on the card depicts a man on horseback with a laurel wreath not only on his head but also on the staff he holds. This card is considered a card of victory and success. Keywords include completion, success, reward, recognition, good news, and triumph. While the victory may be an internal one, it usually is one that will be recognized by those around you. You have summoned your inner fire of will and inspiration to win the day. The message of this card is that even if challenges are apparent you will overcome them.


The name Purpurite comes from the latin word “purpura” which means purple. Purpurite is a mineral phosphate and is what results in the oxidation of iron or manganese, or both, with a little leaching from lithiophilite. It is found in many places in the U.S., Portugal, France, Namibia, Australia, and Sweden. It helps with confidence, clear thinking, and ability to speak freely. This stone is also said to work with the crown chakra (and all the higher transpersonal chakras) to assist with spiritual connection and bring those healing energies down into the lower realms. This stone is helpful to those who do energy or oracle work, allowing clear communication and understanding of messages and the reading of energies. In divination this stone suggests that you be open for new ways to heal.

Page of Pentacles

This card is said to be Earth in the suit of Earth. It corresponds astrologically to Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.  It is the perpetual student, an idealist, perfectionist. This card can represent a young person, especially an Earth sign. Some keywords are alert, practical, optimistic, and willing to work hard, and open to learning things, so studious and diligent. When this card does not represent an actual person it often indicates messages, these could be spoken, written, or delivered via the Universe through signs. As an Earth sign these messages can often relate to our physical bodies, money and finances, or our environment.  The message this card holds this week is to be be alert for messages about healing. This healing could be around any or all of the topics above like education and study, our physical environment, bodies, or money and finances.


Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

Queen of Swords

This Minor Arcana court card is said to be Water in the suit of Air. This card also has an affinity for the astrological sign of Libra. A serious woman on a throne holding a sword in her right hand and raising her left hand toward an unseen subject. The element of Air rules thinking and intellect. This card usually represents a woman, often an Air sign. It is thought that she knows suffering and sometimes is said to represent a widow. In any case she is quick witted, and independent. The sword card also can represent writing, an on-line presence, handicrafts, and sometimes even a sharp tongue. Some keywords include independent, intellectual, witty, perceptive, feminist, justice, solutions, and accuracy. This card might represent a woman who is in or will enter your life, or it might even be you. The message of this card is to use some of the Venus ruled Libra energy to include grace and beauty in your expressions this week. Whether you are writing a blog, a manifesto, or even knitting a shawl, do it gracefully and beautifully.

I hope that you have enjoyed the mini-reading for the week, and found it helpful. If you have any questions, or would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at: april@lodestarphx




February 5th Tarot Tuesday Reveal

February 5th Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

When you feel ready pick the card that you are most drawn to. From left to right there are different crystals above the cards. I will use these as markers for each card, and include them in the mini-reading. From Left to right we have a Green Agate Pyramid, an Unakite egg, and a Shiva Lingam. This week I am using the Radiant Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot deck from U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

The Reveal

Starting on the left we have the Green agate pyramid above the Emperor card, in the center is the Unakite egg above the Judgement card, and on the right is the Shiva Lingam above the Sun card. I find it interesting that all the cards are from the Major Arcana this week. The energy in general this week is certainly strong as we have just had a New Moon in Aquarius, along with the Sun of course but also joined by Mercury and Lilith. Also all the planets are direct with no retrogrades this month. This suggests a time for things to move forward.

Green Agate

Agate is a type of Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. This stone has a stabilizing and strengthening influence. This stone is also good for attracting wealth and abundance of all kinds, including the growth and increase of health as well as finances or things. It will aid in attracting friendship too. It is a green stone and is aligned with the heart chakra. In divination this stone suggests a slow, steady increase in that which you need most now. It might be health, money, love, or a promotion. Overall when drawn to this stone you can expect an improvement, it may not be an instant improvement, but it is in the process of becoming more like what you desire.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element,  cardinal modality, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, and a globe. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. This card may also represent you if you are in a position of authority, or taking control of some thing, or some aspect of your life. If you are drawn to this card this week then it is time to make decisions, and take actions that will lead to the outcomes that you desire. Realize that a period of hard work, control, and persistence is needed to create, maintain, and then grow your desire into something even better.

Unakite Jasper

Unakite Jasper is also called Epidote. It is an amalgamation of Red Jasper, Pink Feldspar, and Green Epidote. It forms as a dense mass of opaque granite rock that ranges in shades of greens, pinks, and and light reds or peach colors. Named for the Unaka Mountains of Tennessee, and North Carolina, in the United states where it was first discovered. It is also found around the Great Lakes, and Zimbabwe, and Switzerland. It is said to be a healing crystal for both the heart and the mind, and balances the emotional body. Due to this it helps in attracting healthy relationships. It is used in spells for love, and fertility. This crystal is supportive of relationships and business. It also helps to release bad habits, and negative patterns you might be stuck in. It is associated with the heart chakra. It is good for spiritual studies, and for rebirthing, and past life healing as well. In divination it points to learning from the past, or overcoming it, and moving forward.


This Major Arcana card is number twenty and it is ruled by Pluto and its element is fire.  The image of an Angel blowing a trumpet and grey figures emerging from coffins impresses the idea of being called to awaken, or start living life in a new way. Keywords include Reincarnation, transition, decision making, awakening, renewal, and even success is implied. If you were drawn to this card this week it suggests that it is a time to make some big changes in your life. The Universe is calling you to live your life in a new way, give up old habits and beliefs that are holding you back. Embrace the new ideas that are calling to you. This card shows that now is the time to transition from your old life and into your new way of being.

Shiva Lingam

The Shiva Lingam is an egg shaped stone made of Jasper. These stones are found in the Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata India. No two stones are alike. The shape is phallic and said to represent masculine energy, while the pattern on the stones is said to represent female energy. It symbolizes the God Shiva’s union with his consort Kali, activating the root and sacral chakras. The Shiva Lingam raises and controls kundalini energy, assisting with spiritual evolution through tantra or sex magic. It also represents balance, harmony, and aiding in the union of opposites. In divination it points to finding your balance so that the perfect balanced match or partnership can be experienced.

The Sun

This Major Arcana, or Trump card is number nineteen, its element is fire and rules itself. The Sun is the central source of light and energy, the primary symbol of the ego, and the full achievement of personal potential. The image on this card is of an infant on the back of a white horse with the Sun and sunflowers behind him. The keywords include joy, happiness, vitality, enlightenment, success, and marriage. This card represents happiness, joy, harmony, and good luck and fortune. It is a time of synchronicity when your inner being is aligned to the same frequency as all the good people, things, and circumstances that you might wish to encounter. If there is a question of whether or not you can do something, or if you should, then this card is a resounding YES. If you were drawn to this card this week remember that it is like the Hermetic axiom of As above, so below, as within, so without. You, and your state of mind, feelings, and emotions is what is creating or allowing(however you want to view it) the good fortune to happen.

I hope that you have found this mini-reading helpful or valuable, if you have any questions or would like to order a full personal reading contact me at:  april@lodestarphx.com


Tarot Reveal January 29th

Tarot Tuesday January 29th

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick a card. I am using the stones above the cards as markers and will include them in the mini-reading. I find that the energy and general metaphysical meaning for the crystals often accentuates the cards that they are paired with.  From left to right we have Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, and Sodalite. This week the tarot cards are from the Morgan-Greer deck.

The Reveal

From left to right the cards as revealed are Strength, The Hermit, and the Nine of Cups. These card reveals are generated naturally, and randomly. I start by intuitively picking three crystals, then I shuffle, cut, and draw cards as I would for any reading. I am usually surprised by how well the crystals and the cards seem to “go together”.  If crystals aren’t your cup of tea, then feel free to skip the bits about them and jump forward to each of the tarot cards.

Red Jasper

First up on the left above Strength we have Red Jasper. a stone of empowerment and strength. It is a microcrystalline variety of quartz, with a high iron content found all over the world. Said to be protective crystals of both the physical and spiritual realms. A stone of endurance and stamina, that activates the root chakra. It helps with connecting to Earth’s grounding energies and alleviates stress. A good stone for assisting with dream work, astral travel, and divination. It’s meaning in divination is a need to create and use boundaries with those who might be taking advantage of you, or trying to manipulate you.


This card is a Major Arcana card that in some decks is numbered eight, and in others it is eleven. In the Morgan-Greer deck the Strength card is number eight. Eight in numerology is associated with power, authority, money, finances, and the physical. Even more importantly it is a number of balance, with the ability to equalize Karma.  The image on the card shows a woman taming a lion. The element is fire with a fixed modality and the ruling planet is the Sun, it’s sign is Leo. The keywords most often associated with this card include strength, power, confidence, courage, virility, and vitality. If this is the card you picked this week it is likely that you will be engaged in overcoming some issue. You might be recovering from an illness or injury, or overcoming a temptation. It could just be that you have overcome some self doubt that has plagued you for a long time. In any case the gentle, yet enduring energy of strength will be working for you this week.


Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is called the heart stone, it corresponds to the heart chakra. This stone is also said to inspire love and beauty in all forms.  A stone of unconditional love,  compassion, nourishment, healing, and comfort. Used for developing or attracting loving relationships with others, and even the self. This crystal carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine. In divination this stone is about forgiving yourself, and not allowing others to lay blame on you that you do not deserve. This stone also serves to help nurture a positive self-image, release emotional wounds, and learn to joyfully give and receive love.

The Hermit

The Hermit is the ninth card in the Major Arcana. Nine in numerology is seen as the numerical vibration of global consciousness and humanitarianism. In a cyclic view nines are seen as endings, completion, or finality. This is frightening for some, yet they don’t remember that one thing needs to end so a new thing can begin, it is part of a cycle. So really it is more about transformation than ending. The image is of an elder with a staff in one hand and a lantern with a six pointed star in the other. This card is of the Earth element, mutable modality, and the sign of Virgo.  Some common keywords for this card include solitude, search for truth, contemplation, guidance, and spiritual development. There may seem like a bit of detachment with the global consciousness and the isolation of this card. Yet sometimes taking a step back and getting clear on who you are and what you want to accomplish as well as what constitutes right action can make your efforts in the world more effective. Sometimes we need solitude to figure out how we really feel about things. If this is the card that you were drawn to it suggests that now is a time to withdraw from demands and get clear about a situation.  Occasionally this card might point to a mentor who arrives in your life to bring new understanding. In either case this week is a time to go within and find the truth about yourself and your path.


Sodalite is a feldspathoid with deep blue color that is intermingled with white calcite (though it sometimes can form in colors like grey, pink, green, or yellow). It is named for it’s sodium content, it is a chloric sodium aluminum silicate. First discovered in Greenland, with vast deposits found later in Ontario, Canada. Sodalite has a calm, stabilizing energy that is useful for those prone to anxiety or panic attacks.  It clears the way to allow movement from over-emotional to rational. It is good for creativity, inspiration, and focus. As a blue stone it is associated with the throat chakra, and the third eye chakra (Ajna) these chakras have dominion over communication, expression, as well as intuition and inspiration. In divination Sodalite shows a need to say something but also a need to be tactful and use the right words to say it.

Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is a Minor Arcana card. The numerology of the number nine is similar to the Hermit there is a theme of global consciousness, humanitarianism, and cyclical endings. This card is associated with Jupiter and Pisces, as well as being mutable water modality and element. This lends an expansive, beneficial quality to this card. The Nine of Cups is known as the “wish card” meaning that you will likely get your wish. Keywords common to this card include satisfaction, pleasure, happiness, and even indulgence. If you were drawn to this card then this week will likely be a good one for you. You will have opportunities to increase your happiness, usually this is the emotional spectrum that is encountered. But it could be that this satisfaction comes because of a material gain. In any case whether you get engaged or get a raise be careful how you express yourself about it so you don’t spark jealousy in someone else.

I hope that this general mini-reading has been meaningful for you. If you have any further questions or would like to order a personal reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com 

Or for readings https://lodestarphx.com/book-a-reading/

Tuesday January 22, 2019 Tarot Reveal

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick a card. From left to right above the cards are three crystal hearts that I will use in place a numbers 1,2, and 3. The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla.  The second heart in the middle is Fluorite.   The third on the right is Pietersite. I consider these crystals as being paired with the card they sit above. The different crystals usually share a common theme or energy with the card it is paired with.

The Reveal

The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla, and the card beneath it is the Nine of Pentacles. The second heart in the middle is Fluorite and the card beneath it is the Emperor. The heart on the right is Pietersite and the card beneath it is the Five of Swords. Take note of your initial feeling upon seeing what the card you picked is. Do you feel good about it? Does it leave you feeling anxious? Or are you feeling a sense of “oh that figures”? Noticing our initial reactions helps us in developing our intuition. The feelings and thoughts that first show up are usually unfiltered and have messages of their own to share with us if we pay attention. You can check these initial reactions later against what you may learn about the card and crystal pair and see if it has changed or gotten deeper.

Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

Nine of Pentacles

This card is a Minor Arcana card or pip card. This card is an Earth element card, and is said to carry the energy of Venus in Virgo. The number nine is a number that represents culminating energy. Pentacles represent money and wealth, but also physical health and the material world itself. The card itself shows a woman in her garden with a falcon. This image speaks of self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, financial well-being, independence, and even creativity and spiritual connection (being able to use spiritual messages in practical ways).  She is alone in that she is the only person in the image, yet there is no evidence of her being lonely. A small snail near her feet might suggest a that it took some time to grow and develop not only the wealth but possibly the self-assurance as well. If you have chosen this card it may be time to focus on growing your “garden”. Now is not a time to build your world around what anyone else wants for or from you, instead build it to suit yourself. Learn to be happy with your own company, it is better to have fewer friends than many false ones.

Fluorite Crystal



Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, and a globe. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. If you have chosen this card it is time to make the hard decisions and take the lead. Be the boss in whatever situation you are facing at this time. This doesn’t have to mean being mean, you could choose to be tough but fair. In any case now is the time to take charge.

Pietersite Crystal

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Five of Swords

This card is of the Air element, air is a representation of thoughts, and communications. The number five is a number that shows change,  movement, and transmutation. The air signs of Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini could figure into the associations for this card. The card itself shows several dejected figures and one figure in the foreground. There are stormy skies that might further suggest battles, or unrest of sorts. The scene appears like a battle has been won, but the victory may or may not have been worth it. If you have chosen this card then it is likely that there has been a fight of ideas going on for you. It is also a possibility that the new ideas that win will cause you to make some changes. Making changes is not always easy, but once we are far enough along to see the results of them it is like the difference between night and day. Also remember that often when making big changes we need to let go of what is not working and even though this leads to better things it can hurt or be unsettling to do so. So allow yourself to grieve what you will be getting rid of even if it is just an idea, or belief. When you are done the clouds will clear and the Sun will shine again.

I hope that you have found this to be helpful, or meaningful. If you have any questions, or would like to purchase a reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.




Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Pick A Card

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you.

Once you feel ready then pick a card. I will be looking at these crystals and cards as pairs, or sets from left to right. Starting on the left with a Spirit Quartz crystal, then in the center with a Clear Quartz Cluster of crystals, and finally on the right with Citrine Spirit Quartz. I have found with these card reveals that the crystals and the cards seem to have energies and messages that are complimentary to one another. If crystals aren’t your thing feel free to skip to the card meanings.


From left to right we have the Amethyst Spirit Quartz with the Tower card, in the middle the Clear Quartz Cluster with the Queen of Pentacles card, and on the right the Citrine Spirit Quartz with the World card. It is interesting to note that each of the Spirit Quartz has a Major Arcana card aligned with it and the Clear Quartz cluster has a Court Card aligned with it. The Major Arcana are powerful and full of meaning on their own, but they also together tell a story of the fool’s journey (or hero’s journey if you prefer). The Court cards usually (but not always) represent actual people. Sometimes the person the card represents is the person getting the reading (the seeker, or querent), and sometimes it is someone in the seekers life.

Spirit Quartz

The crystal on the left above the Tower card is an Amethyst Spirit Quartz. Spirit Quartz, also known as Cactus Quartz, or Porcupine Quartz is at its core a terminated quartz crystal that is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. They are crystal communities usually found in clusters. The most common variety is Amethyst, but it can also be found in white quartz, Smokey quartz, and CItrine Quartz. Found in the Magaliesberg Mountain area of South Africa, these are crystals of harmony, alignment, and amplification. Each variety will have additional energies that it will express. The Amethyst Spirit Quartz activates the Crown Chakra, and higher. It can bring in spiritual information, and provide multi-dimensional healing. This could also be seen as similar to the Tower in some cases, suddenly bringing in information that might change your thinking, or spiritual connection, with healing as the ultimate end goal. This crystal is also used for cleansing the aura, healing the etheric body, dispelling negative attachments and entities, and assisting in the transition to other states of being. It is associated with many of the wisdom Goddesses like Minerva, or Sophia.

The Tower

The Tower is the sixteenth card in the Major Arcana of a typical Tarot deck. It contains a powerful image of lightning striking a tower, knocking the top off and sending a pair of people falling head first towards the ground. The most common thoughts when seeing this card are of danger, sudden events that are beyond our control, crisis, damage, accidents, danger and destruction. Sometimes this card is a warning of something that seems to hit us unaware and send us reeling, turning our world upside down. That is not the only way of viewing this card however, and there are times that it can mean sudden new insights, or liberation. It can be the epiphany of a wonderful “aha” moment when you see things in a way that changes things for you forever. The element for this card is fire, and its ruling planet is Mars. This adds to the idea that what it represents is sudden and perhaps aggressive. It might be that we are so unaware that it will take a strong “wake up call” for us to “get it” and put ourselves right again. If you have chosen this card you might want to be more aware of how you are thinking and moving through the world right now. A little meditation and self-reflection could be just the thing to avoid any crisis and exchange it for a new idea or awareness.

Clear Quartz Cluster

Quartz is one of the most common crystal types and found in many places around the world. It come in many varieties as well, from Rose Quartz to Amethyst Quartz and so many more. A Cluster is as the name implies a group of individual crystals that have grown together in a cluster. While these crystals have all the properties of quartz they also have a combined energy that is able to spread out and impact larger areas, or more people. Some keywords associated with crystal clusters are community, connection, balance, projection, and energize. You can use these clusters to energize other crystals, as well as balance the energies in a room, house, or body. As they can receive, store, and project energy they make awesome manifestation tools. Since this crystal form is aligned with the card Queen of Pentacles, at this time I would stress the earthy energies related to growing things or maintaining them – abundance, and a physical community that supports you. If you would like to learn more about Clear Quartz and it’s properties, it was featured last week in the Tarot Reveal.

Queen of Pentacles

This card could represent you, or someone in your life. This card is of the Earth element and associated with the physical Earth realm. Things like gardening, nature, the body, and even money are connected to this card. This woman is often a mother, either literally with children, or metaphorically as a creatrix, artist, entrepreneur, or  other type of leader or authority figure. This woman might well be an Earth sign like Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. If you have chosen this card it may be time for you to step into (or further into) this type of role, or to work with or for this type of person right now. Consider the association with the crystal cluster and how maybe you could grow or maintain your business, family, home, garden,  or support group at this time.

Citrine Spirit Quartz

This crystal has the same properties as all Spirit Quartz, but it also has some unique energies it expresses. This crystal activates the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, it assists in aligning personal will to Divine will. It is said to help in feelings of self-worth and empowerment, this feeling of empowerment can lead to the ability to express the true higher-self will. It allows for release of material attachments yet enables true abundance of meaningful things, people, and experiences into one’s life. The golden color of this crystal encourages forgiveness, happiness, and enjoying the pleasures of life without the drives of greed or jealousy. It assists in abundance and nourishment of all kind and is associated with Grain and abundance Goddesses like Demeter.

The World

Another Major Arcana card, number twenty-one.  It’s element is Earth, and it’s ruling planet is Saturn. This card is often seen as an ending of a cycle of life, a major change that is permanent, also fulfillment, and completion. Saturn would seem to speak directly to this view, but as many who follow astrology will tell you if you do the work you get the reward. If however you have not then you may not enjoy the results, which are usually even more work (both inner and outer) if you want to see improvement. This card in many ways speaks about balance and harmony that come from learning how to order your life so it works for you and not against you. The lessons of Saturn have taught you what really has value, and what really matters, with this information you can create your “world” in a way that feeling like you are in the “flow” is the new normal. If you have chosen this card and don’t currently feel like things are changing for the better for you, it may be that you need to relearn the lessons of Saturn to find out what “works” for you.

I hope that this has been helpful, meaningful, and informative for you. If you have any questions, or would like to order a full reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.


#TarotTuesday Reveal

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you.

There is a different crystal sphere above each of the cards. From left to right we have a clear quartz sphere, a rose quartz sphere, and finally a fluorite sphere.


As the revealed cards show from left to right the clear quartz is above the Two of Wands. The rose quartz is above the King of Wands, and the fluorite is above Temperance. Each crystal has a different energy and can hold a different meaning, as does each of the cards. I will explore each sphere and the card below it as a set, or pair. In my opinion this adds emphasis, or deeper meaning to the card selected. If crystals aren’t your thing just ignore the portions dedicated to them and skip straight to the card interpretations.

Clear Quartz

The first set on the left is clear quartz and the two of wands card. Clear quartz has the ability to focus, amplify, store, and transform energy. It is used in technology in watches, radio transmitters, and receivers, microphones,  ultra sound devices, memory chips in computers, and other electronic circuitry. The phenomenon of piezoelectricity, the release of electric charge under the application of mechanical stress, occurs in all noncentrosymmetric materials.  Pyroelctricity, the release of charge due to a material’s change of temperature occurs in all materials that belong to polar crystal symmetry class. Not all noncentrosymmetric classes are polar, and not all piezoelectric crystals are pyroelectric. All pyroelectric crystals are piezoelectric though.

These properties of energy amplification, programmability, and memory make quartz crystals useful for healing, meditation, communicating with guides, expanding consciousness, or really almost any other purpose you could imagine. It is good at amplifying the energies of other stones, or groups of stones like in grids. It is a wonderful material for wands and staffs, and everyone has seen or heard of a crystal ball for crystal gazing. In divination it can point to new energies, new beginnings, a need to make a decision and act quickly upon it, and dreaming of clear quartz can mean freedom from enemies.

Two of Wands

Wands are the element of fire, and often deal with issues involving growth, expansion, developing ideas, creativity, spiritual matters, intuition, work, enterprise, initiative, renewal, and energy.  Two is a number of duality, and choices. This could suggest relationships, partnerships, or attraction between people. Twos are also conversation and debate, or opposing ideas. Twos also represent all kinds of pairs and opposites. This card could represent a gateway to a new phase of life, deciding to start a business, or even a relationship for example. The astrological influence of this card is Mars in Aries, a fiery, action oriented energy. Overall this may suggest a time to write a pro and con list for anything you have been on the fence about, then get in touch with your inner-guidance, or higher self to confirm your stance and take that next step. Using your creative vision to craft your future in accordance with your will.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is called the heart stone, it corresponds to the heart chakra. This stone is also said to inspire love and beauty in all forms. Used for developing or attracting loving relationships with others, and even the self. In divination this stone is about forgiving yourself, and not allowing others to lay blame on you that you do not deserve. This stone also serves to help nurture a positive self-image, release emotional wounds, and learn to joyfully give and receive love.

King of Wands

This card carries the energy of fire, specifically fixed fire sign Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. In astrology Leo is said to rule the heart in the physical body. Passionate, creative, intuitive, loving, and inspired are all traits that Leo embodies. With the King card these traits show up in the form of a masculine leader who will supervise and delegate. The person who the King of Wands represents in your life (whether it is you or someone else in your world) is likely to be charismatic and masterful. Sometimes it is said that Leos, or the King of Wands types can have egos that are too big. While some might, usually what is really needed is some rose quartz type nurturing and love. With this card it may be that it will represent you and a need to step into a leadership role, or if it is someone in your life like an authority figure (a boss for example) then you might want to try to handle them with some soft, gentle energy to improve things with them, the same would likely apply to a personal relationship with a King of Wands right now. Use the loving rose quartz energy of the healing heart for whoever is involved.


Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.


This card is the fourteenth card in the Major Arcana.  Most versions show a winged Angel (or person) pouring liquid from one cup into another, with one foot in the water, and one on land. This represents balance, and also moderation and patience as well. This card can show a need to blend things together like an artist mixing colors of paint to arrive at the perfect hue. This is alchemy. This card is ruled by Jupiter and is of the fire element. Jupiter is expansive and also said to represent the guru, wise one, or god. The winged Angel is standing on the ground, with a foot on the Earth and one in water, a blending of elements, a balancing of energies in many ways is what is called for when this card appears. Listening to your inner-guidance, higher-self, or if you prefer guru, and balancing that with what seems to be called for on this physical plane, and what feels right emotionally is the juggling act to preform right now.

I hope that this edition of Tarot Tuesday was enjoyable and helpful for you. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a full, personalized reading please contact me at april@lodestarphx.com

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Tarot Reveal

If you didn’t get to see the original post on Facebook, you can find it here at Lodestar Phoenix-Tarot with April Mari , to pick a card.  There is a different crystal wand above each of the cards. From left to right we had a Stromatolite wand, an Onyx wand, and a Pietersite wand. Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm and focused, to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. I is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready, Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you.



From left to right we had a Stromatolite wand with the Judgement card. Next was the Onyx wand with the Eight of Wands card. Finally we had the Pietersite wand with the Ace of wands. Which card and wand combination did you choose? What is your initial reaction to the card when revealed? Many times our initial reactions have pertinent information for us. Some might be pleased, or even relieved, while others might feel anxiety, or disappointment. Take note of the initial reaction you encounter. Don’t feel like you need to judge this initial reaction, just observe it for now. Later with more information it might make more sense, or it might be a message about some work that needs to be done, on say procrastination, or fear of moving forward for example.

Stromatolite Wand and Judgement Card

Stromatolite is an excellent stone for transformation, and evolutionary change. It assists in removing or changing deeply ingrained blockages, patterns and programs. It is also known to encourage new patterns, and flexible thinking. Stromatolite is created from fossilized algae that were the predominant form of life on Earth for more than two billion years, and are said to have created the oxygen on our planet. This stone is also said to be helpful for reading the Akashic Records, and delving into past lives through techniques like past life regression.

The Judgement card is number twenty in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. It’s element is fire, and the ruling planet is Pluto.  A card for endings and new beginnings, resurrection and awakening. Redemption, and reincarnation are also keywords associated with this card. In a reading one could imagine feeling judged due to the imagery and usual descriptions of this card. Sometimes yes we are being judged by others, but even more often we are judging ourselves. Now especially with the year wrapping up, it is a good time to take stock of where we find ourselves, what we have accomplished, or not accomplished, and where we would like to go from here. If this is the card you have chosen then it seems very likely that the time is right for you to take inventory and make changes that will lead to a happier, and healthier new you in the new year.

Onyx Wand and Eight of Wands

Onyx is an ancient stone used for many magickal and mundane purposes by many cultures throughout history. Black Onyx is a powerful stone of protection for the mind and body. It is useful as a sort of shield against harmful energies, often used by those who do energy work like psychics, and mediums. It has a very earthy, grounding energy to it that might be depressing for some if used for too long.  Helps develop emotional and physical strength and stamina. It is helpful in times of stress, confusion, and grief. With time and thoughtful workings this stone can help lead one to mastery of one’s self.

Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana tarot card (or Pip card). This card’s element is fire, and is said to have the planetary energy of Mercury in Sagittarius. It’s number is eight, which resonates with power and strength. Eight is also about combining physical and spiritual energies. This card is interesting as it has no animals or people in it. The wands are in flight, showing forward movement. Often this card represents communications coming soon. It can also point to travel or advancement of some kind. It is a card of action, things already in motion.

If you chose this card right now, with the Onyx wand’s energy assisting it, it could point to a need to ground and protect yourself in preparation for an influx of activity and energy. This energy could be either positive or negative depending on where you find yourself in this moment. If negative, use the idea of the Onyx to slow down and think before responding to what is coming. Also remember Onyx’s protective qualities, it absorbs and transmutes negativity as well as repelling it to begin with. If this new cycle of energy is positive in nature, there is still cause to be aware and not burn yourself out by taking on too much. Pace yourself, and set up good boundaries. In either case this period of time is offering you the chance to move forward, even if what it offers does’t seem ideal, you have the power to change how you perceive it and respond to it to create the best possible outcome.

Pietersite Wand and the Ace of Wands

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing.

The Ace of Wands is another Minor Arcana card. It’s element is fire but is not assigned a particular planet. It does resonate with all the fire signs however, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Aces are all about new beginnings. This ace contains keywords related to creativity, spirituality, intuition, will power, and desire. If you have chosen this card at this time it is time to start something new, to take action to achieve a desire. The more creative, and spiritual the desire, the faster it will manifest. Take action on that dream that you have been afraid to let yourself go for. If you need to use the energy of Pietersite to clear the air first, then now is the time to do so. Take a moment and check in to see if it is really fear you are feeling or excitement, then get on with the business of creating the life you want.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Friday the 21st. of December 2018 will be Winter Solstice. This day is also known as Midwinter. This is the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. The Earth’s poles are tilted as far away from the Sun as they can be. This happens twice a year, once in each hemisphere.

The Winter Solstice is also known as Yule or Yuletide and marks the growing length of days and shortening of nights following this day. Yule is a festival observed by Germanic peoples. This celebration has connections with the god Odin, and the Wild Hunt (a ghostly procession in the winter sky). The Wild Hunt itself is said to be led by many different gods, or goddesses depending on where you are celebrating. The hunt may or may not also include fairies, elves , or even the undead, again dependent on where in the world you are celebrating.  In pre-Christian times Yule, or the Feast of Juul would last twelve days celebrating the return of the Sun, and included the burning of the Yule log. Yule was reformed by Christians into Christmastide.

Yule Symbols

Many of the symbols that might be thought of as Christmas symbols started out as Yule symbols. Evergreens, Holly, and Mistletoe are traditional Yule symbols. So is the Yule tree, it would have been decorated with berries, fruits, and pine cones, and symbolized the world tree. The Yule log has held it’s place in many celebrations to this day, as well as candles, wreaths, bells, gingerbread, elves, wassail, and even the use of the colors red and green. Red is the waning Holly King, and green is the waxing Oak King.  Other colors such as white which holds the idea of purity,  silver which represents the Moon, and gold for the Sun would also have been used, and of course still are.

Full Moon

On the 22nd, the day after Yule the Moon will be full at zero degrees in the sign of Cancer. As the last full Moon of the year it seems fitting that it should be in Cancer. Cancer is a cardinal, water sign that is ruled by the Moon. Some key words for Cancer include emotional, intuitive, and imaginative. The family, and the home are important to Cancer, it is a nurturing, sign.  The symbol for the sign Cancer is the crab, being a sensitive soul the cancer wants to armor itself with a hard shell.

The full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other. The Sun will be in Capricorn in opposition to this Cancer moon. Capricorn is concerned with hierarchy, authority, and status. Cancer is more concerned with how it and others feel, than with being in charge. This is an axis though, neither sign is operating in a bubble, so there may well be tension between emotional desires and what is expected at this time. A desire to mother or be mothered can be nurturing, or too much depending on the situation.

Full Moon Magick

This full Moon is a great time to work with a Mother Goddess, or lunar deities. It would also be a good time for protection work(think about the shell of the crab). The full Moon in general is good for divination, dream work, releasing, banishing, overcoming obstacles, and making moon water (to use in your spells). Any spells or rituals for family, friends, and home would be particularly powerful right now. In the spirit of Cancer use the colors violet, white, and silver. For gemstones Moonstone, Selenite, clear quartz, white coral, and pearl. Metal should be silver.  Body parts related to Cancer are the chest and stomach.   Plants like moon flower, lotus, jasmine, iris, poppy, almond, mallow, milkweed, mugwort, wild yam, passionflower, and willow.

Tarot Cards

The Moon is the ruling planet for the High Priestess card in tarot. The High Priestess is the second Trump, or Major Arcana card in most Tarot decks. The High Priestess is identified with the Shekhinah, the female indwelling  presence of the divine. The lunar crescent at her feet is a clue to the connection this card has with the Moon. Some keywords include Intuition, mystery, secrets, things hidden, spiritual insight, and often in romance spreads indicates the ideal woman. Reversed keywords might include secrets, disharmony, information withheld, and deception. The element for this card is water. Often said to be a card of passivity and retreat, being still and listening to your inner guidance, and intuition. This card may indicate that things are not as they seem, like the saying “still waters run deep” there is a lot going on under the surface and you may need to “feel” your way through the situation at hand.

The Chariot is the seventh Trump, or Major Arcana card in most Tarot decks.  It’s element is water, and is said to correspond  to the sign of Cancer. It is ruled by the Moon. The Chariot is a powerful figure in a Chariot usually being pulled by two sphinxes, or sometimes two horses.  Keywords include willpower, drive, overcoming obstacles, moving forward, a journey, confidence, and ambition. Reversed keywords might include self doubt, lack of direction, scattered energy, or being stuck. This card is about overcoming fears and conflicts, and moving forward. This card often points to a need to “stay the course” and make it through any issues or challenges. Hard work and commitment will ultimately lead one to success.

These cards seem to sum up well some good general advice for this period of time. Meditate, or sit with any problems and gain clarity from your intuitive inner guidance. Then stay the course, moving past any fears to a place of self-confidence.  I have found the Chariot card to be a lot like the sign of Cancer’s symbol the crab. The rider would seem to be tough, as he is protected by the shell of the chariot, and in some decks even armor. He takes this protection with him as he ventures out into the world, so he may get to where he wants to be while staying safe. Sensitive water types could use this imagery to help themselves navigate a sometimes harsh outside world.






Historically Pendulums have been used for dowsing of everything from water to gold and other important metals, and minerals. Dowsing, also known as divining was done with many different tools. Dowsing twigs, or metal rods were often employed. Currently Pendulums seem to be winning the popularity contest for dowsing. The wide variety of attractive shapes and materials, especially crystals that pendulums can be made of is helping with their popularity.

Pendulums are also easy to use and fairly portable as well. Most people have at least heard of them, even if they haven’t used one themselves. There is a lot to like about them, and only one downside. You need to ask your questions in a yes or no format to get answers. This small inconvenience is easy enough to work with though. It can lead you to think about developing clear questions in such a way that you might find yourself gaining insight into an issue before you even start asking the questions to the pendulum.

Pendulum Board

A pendulum board is not really necessary to use a pendulum. It is a helpful accessory that might help a beginner to gain confidence more rapidly. And really they are just nice to have. I have found that some of these boards can also do double duty as a place to set up small crystal grids when not in use with the pendulum. Like pendulums, nowadays pendulum boards come in all manner of shapes, styles, and even materials. Most are set up to easily identify yes and no, and many will have a maybe, or not now (don’t want to answer) heading. Some elaborate boards may have alphabets, numbers, moon phases, seasons, or any number of other items included on them. If you can’t find one that will work for you, you could of course craft your own.

Using a Pendulum

While a pendulum is easy to use, it does require some groundwork to using it. Before you start dowsing with your pendulum you will want to program it. This is more like getting to know it than telling it how to do it’s job. You will ask it to show you yes, and to show you no. You might also want to ask questions you already know the answers to like “Is my name Jane Doe?” If that is your name then the pendulum will show you yes, if it isn’t you name it should show you no. Also ask a question you know will get a no answer as well (use the Jane Doe one if that isn’t your name). I am sure you get the point and can come up with your own yes and no questions. Most pendulums will either move toward and away from you, in an up down kind of motion, or clockwise for yes. For no most will either move from side to side, or counterclockwise. These are just the most common motions, yours may be different. As long as it moves the same way when you ask a yes question, and another way for a no question then you will know it has been “programmed”. Now you are ready to ask your real questions.


Dowsing is best done in a setting like you would use any other divination tool, be it tarot, oracle decks, or even runes. You want to be in a place where you will not be disturbed, that you find calming. If you want to set up an altar, light incense and candles, smudge yourself or your space, then please do. Whatever steps you would take to prepare to contact your higher-self or the divine should be taken.

Like other types of divination it is a good idea to refrain from asking questions if you are too upset, or emotionally charged as this might have an impact on your dowsing. It is best to place your arm on a table top, bending your elbow at a ninety degree angle. Gently hold the end of the chain, or the fob itself, allowing the pendulum to hang freely, over your pendulum board, if using one. Now concentrate and ask your question, either aloud or silently is fine. You might need to ask a whole series of questions to get the exact information you are looking for. Just remember to phrase them as yes or no types of questions.

Additional Uses

There are so many different kinds of things you could decide to look into and ask about, really the only limit will be your imagination, and ability to put a question into a yes or no format. Some people have more than one pendulum. With so many different types of pendulums available you might decide to have a Rose Quartz pendulum to do love readings with. Or maybe an Amethyst pendulum for spiritual or healing work.

Once you get comfortable with dowsing you will likely want to explore some of the other exciting things you can do with your pendulum. An example of more advanced use might be energy work, like Chakra balancing. It is a relatively simple procedure to clear and balance Chakras. It is even possible to do this from a distance. Along the same line you can do space clearing with your pendulum as well. It really is a wonderful, multi-functional tool to have at your disposal.

Pendulum Kits

Lodestar Phoenix currently has pendulum kits available that include a unique pendulum, a pendulum board, a storage bag, and a downloadable PDF guide book for $25.00. You get to choose your very own pendulum and board to go with it. https://lodestarphx.com/products/ 

Pendulums are clear quartz, rose quartz, or amethyst with a variety of fobs to choose from. Some fob options include: shell, coral, and pearl, skull bead, jasper, fluorite chips, coral and bone skull bead, howlite, and turquoise and skull bone bead.

Custom leatherette Mat types: Circular Moon Phase Mat or Square All Seeing Eye Mat. Colors available: black/tan, gray/black, sand/black, oxblood/black and deep blue/black.

Please contact April at april@lodestarphx.com with any questions you may have.