Tarot Tuesday February 26th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you are ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week’s tarot deck is the Universal Waite Tarot, published by U.S. Games systems, Inc. With drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson Roberts. The three crystal hearts above the cards are used as markers and included in the mini-readings. From left to right the hearts are Fluorite, Sunstone, and Blue Calcite. I obtained these three hearts from Crystal Intuition Arizona.  

Tarot Reveal

From left to right we have Fluorite above the Ten of Pentacles on the left, Sunstone above the Two of Swords in the middle, and on the far right Blue Calcite above the King of Cups.  Pay attention to your initial reaction upon seeing the card you were drawn to. See if this reaction lines up with how you feel after getting the information from the mini-reading about the card. Being aware of our thoughts, and feelings helps us to understand and hone our intuitive skills. It starts with paying attention, and then you learn to trust and use your intuition. Like a muscle the more you exercise it the stronger it will get.

Fluorite Crystal

Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, it belongs to the halide minerals. It is a widely occurring mineral with deposits found worldwide. Industrially it is used as flux for smelting, and in the production of some glasses and enamels. Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It stimulates the electrical charge in the brain and increases prana energy. This stone works well with the upper Chakras. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.

Ten of Pentacles

This card is the tenth card in the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana. It carries the energy of Mercury and Virgo, with a mutable modality and Earth element. The image is of a male elder seated amidst his family and pets (the dogs). Tens in numerology are about endings, but the number contains a one also so these endings are typically more cyclic than abrupt and permanent. Some keywords for this card include success, legacy, finances, wealth, foundations, home, and family. It is known as the “wall street card” as it often shows up to represent wealth and windfalls. It could be a change for the better of your living status through buying or selling property, or travel for work that leads to more money. This card is about satisfaction but this is not just financial, but there is an emotional element to it as well. We are generally able to be more emotionally generous when we are feeling secure with our place in life. If you were drawn to this card this week no matter the details you should expect the winds of change to blow in for the better for you.

Sunstone Crystal

Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar. It has been found in southern Norway, Sweden and various locations around the U.S. It is known as a joyful stone that assists in the nurturing of self in order to be of service to others. It is said to increase vitality, abundance, and luck. It carries the energy of Solar Deities. It will clear and cleanse all chakras, but works particularly well with the base and sacral chakras. In divination Sunstone heralds luck and health, our challenge is to enjoy this period of time without worrying if it will last.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords is the second card in the Minor Arcana suit of Swords. It is astrologically attributed to the energies of Moon in Libra, and its modality is cardinal and element is Air. Twos in numerology are about communications, dualities, and balance. The image is one of a blindfolded female holding two swords. Some keywords associated with this card are decisions, balance, planning, strategy, and awareness. The suit of swords represents Air element, which has to do with thoughts and mentality, as well as communication. If you have been drawn to this card this week then you may want to write up a pros and cons list if you need to decide something. Use your all your abilities to be clear and concise when you need to communicate what you have decided. As long as it passes the final litmus test of feeling (moon) right as well as making sense, it should turn out to be beneficial for you.

Blue Calcite Crystal

Calcite is a carbonate mineral. There are over 800 varieties. Most on the market these days comes from Brazil and Mexico. As a blue stone it is aligned with the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra, and the Throat Chakra. While it is an overall soothing stone, it amplifies energy in these chakras. This stone will clear out negative energies from physical bodies and environments. It clears out old patterns so healing and new patterns can be established. It also assists with increasing intuition and emotional healing and balancing. This stone represents female intuitive yin energy. In divination this stone suggests that you might need to work on healing self-talk right now, making sure your inner dialog speaks to you as you would speak to your own best friend. This is a time for healing your emotions, before you worry about making anyone else understand them.

King of Cups

This card is a court card in the Minor Arcana suit of cups. This card carries the energy of fixed Air and mutable Water (some systems say Fire in the Suit of Water, Fixed Water, Scorpio). Kings are power and authority, Cups are feelings, emotions, intuition, and creativity. The image is a King sitting upon his throne holding a cup and his scepter. Some keywords include sensitive, enthusiastic, creative, caring, and artistic. This card can often signify an actual person in your life, usually but not always a male. It may also represent you, or a situation. If you have been drawn to this card this week it is likely that you will need to start thinking of yourself as the final authority on your emotions, and any intuitive or creative urges.  Know that your emotional life is deeper than most in your sphere, so you are the “King” of these depths right now. If this card represent another person in your life, then you may want to allow them to do what they need to do to heal or create at this time.

I hope that you have found these mini-readings helpful. If you have any questions about this, or would like to book a full personalized reading feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.



How Does Your Garden Grow?

Gardening As Metaphor

Gardening is a perfect metaphor for life. Life that starts with a single seed, or cell and grows and develops into a full-fledged being or entity. We need the same things the garden needs to thrive. Plenty of sunlight, clean air, water, and nourishing soil are the basics. In addition the climate, environment and seasons also play their part in our experience. If any of these things is missing or too harsh or extreme for us to handle – our outcome isn’t so great.

Our first concerns when surveying an already established garden as well as when thinking of starting a new one are similar. It is best if you know what it is you want. Do you want a garden that is merely something pretty to look at? Or do you want one that will feed your body as well as your other senses? Is it in the best location, with the proper orientation? Who or what will help and not harm? Companion planting is a lot like making friends, or starting any kind of relationship. Are the people in your life going to improve it or be detrimental to it? If they are not going to be good companions it may be time to weed them from your garden.

Planning Your Garden

Making a list of what you want your garden to do for you, like a list of what you want your life to look like is a good first step. Now is a good time to do this if you haven’t already. We are about halfway between Imbolc and Ostara, two of the three Spring fertility Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year. Ostara this year will be March 20th. This time of year is also called the Vernal or Spring Equinox and signals the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere (it is opposite in the Southern Hemisphere).  So right now is the time to make plans before Spring is officially underway. What do you want your garden to look like? What do you want it to provide you with? What are you willing to do to start and maintain it? These questions should be considered for both your backyard garden and your life in general.

Timing and Patience 

With both gardens and our lives there are optimal times to plant certain things, for both short and long-term. Long term thinking might include planting fruit trees that may take a few years to provide fruit, but will be around providing for many years to come. In our lives long term planning might include a plan to attend a University, or enter into a marriage. Short term plans are just as important and can be used to build toward or support the longer term plans. Friends or projects that maybe only last a season can be just as helpful as say planting flowers like nasturtiums under your fruit trees. These flowers will attract beneficial insects and act as trap crops for non-beneficial insects, they are also entirely edible so could even go in your salad. Get the most benefit from even short term associations by having the long range plans in mind and working seasonally with the intention to move toward your goals.

Know Your Zone

In gardening some things can be grown in some zones, and some things can not. Know what your particular Hardiness Zone is and plan accordingly. An example might be fruit trees that need a certain number of chill hours to produce fruit. While you might be able to plant and grow them in other zones with less chill hours, there is a good chance they will never bear fruit. You can sometimes try a different variety of fruit tree that has lower chill hour requirements. Or say you live in a lower numbered hardiness zone and want to grow something that can’t tolerate the cold, you might be able to build a micro-climate or even a green house that would allow you to be successful. These fixes can only be attempted when you know your zone and what you want to accomplish first. In life it might be like getting an introvert or Highly Sensitive Person to go to a party or busy shopping center, it can be done, but some considerations must be taken into account for it to be successful. Knowing your zone is really like knowing your limits, once you know them you can more easily work toward raising or expanding them.

Build the Soil

If we want to produce beautiful roses, or a delicious squash we need to provide the plants with the nutrients they need. This is equivalent to nurturing yourself and your relationships with others. It starts at the very basic level of your thoughts, or mental diet. If you are putting good healthy thoughts and media information in to begin with it is much easier to get good healthy results. How you spend your time is another way to build your soil. Are you spending it in ways that add to your life?  Or are you doing things you either don’t want to be doing, or you know aren’t good for you? Our relationships with others can also be building or depleting our soil, this goes both ways don’t deplete anyone else’s soil either. Stephen Covey in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” makes the point that in relationships we have a sort of emotional bank account and we should be depositing into these accounts regularly and not withdrawing more than we have deposited. This is a good rule of thumb in both relationships and in the garden. You wouldn’t expect much to grow in soil that has already been overworked with nothing added back. Think about the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains in the thirties, over-farming, overgrazing, poor farming practices, and drought were devastating.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

So how does your garden grow? Have you planned it out? Are you tending it, and building the soil? It is an explosion of life, or barely surviving? How rich, rewarding, and fun can your garden and your life become? As Geoff Lawton is fond of saying “All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden”.


Tarot Tuesday February 19th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week the card deck is the Morgan-Greer deck from U.S. Games Systems, Inc. There are crystals above each card that I am using as markers and will also include in the mini-reading. From left to right the crystals are Green Agate, Selenite, and Shungite.

Tarot Reveal

From left to right we have the Green Agate pyramid on the far left above the High Priestess card, in the center is the Selenite pyramid above the Ten of Swords, and on the far right is the Shungite pyramid above the Emperor card.

Green Agate

Agate is a type of Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. This stone has a stabilizing and strengthening influence. This stone is also good for attracting wealth and abundance of all kinds, including the growth and increase of health as well as finances or things. It will aid in attracting friendship too. It is a green stone and is aligned with the heart chakra. In divination this stone suggests a slow, steady increase in that which you need most now. It might be health, money, love, or a promotion. Overall when drawn to this stone you can expect an improvement, it may not be an instant improvement, but it is in the process of becoming more like what you desire.

High Priestess

This is the second Major Arcana, or Trump card in most traditional decks. The element is Water and the ruling planet is the Moon, which rules the sign Cancer(which rules home and family). This card represents the female indwelling presence of the divine, or anima. This card contains suggestions of it’s connection to the Moon with the crescent moon at the Priestess’ feet. This hints at cycles of not only the moon, or the female, but cycles of all kinds are subtly suggested. Water is generally seen as emotions and feelings, and they can ebb and flow like the tides.  Two in numerology represents communications and relationships among other things. With this card the communication could just as likely be from or to your subconscious as another person. This card has keywords like mystery, secrets, silence, stillness, and hidden. They suggest not only the possibility that something is being kept from you, but that perhaps your best course of action is to not “lay all your cards on the table” either. I have seen this card show up in readings representing the ideal, or “perfect” woman. With this in mind it may be time if you have been drawn to this card this week, to trust your inner feminine, your instincts and intuition. (also all keywords for this card) To work on communicating with and building relationship with that part of yourself.


Selenite is a clear transparent form of gypsum, a very soft mineral that is easily scratched and water-sensitive. A common mineral that crystallizes in long, blade-like striations, that can be shaped and tumbled.  It is named after the Moon Goddess Selene.  This stone has the ability to remove unwanted energies from the body. It balances and stabilizes not just the physical body but also emotions.  It is a protective stone that can also awaken your intuition. It can cleanse other crystals as well as you and your environment but it does itself need to be cleansed.  This stone resonates with the Crown Chakra and higher chakras. This is a highly valued stone for spiritual work, and can be used to cut cords, clear energy bodies and clear and align chakras. In divination it suggests that your situation might be unstable or about to change. You might have to separate from something or somebody that isn’t serving your best interests.

Ten of Swords

This card is the tenth card in the Minor Arcana suit of swords. It’s element and modality are mutable air, with the energy of the Sun and sign of Gemini. The number ten is often associated with endings and conclusions, but it also contains the number one within it hinting at a whole new beginning.  The image of this card is of a figure face down on the ground with ten swords impaled into the back. Swords are the element of Air, which is thinking and mentality. This might show faulty thinking being the cause of this unexpected ending. It might also point to the need for new thoughts or ways of thinking about things in order to avoid a repeat of this kind of painful experience. Sometimes I have seen this card appear in a reading when not only a new way of thinking were needed, but new methods as well, like trying meditation, or acupuncture(as the image looked at literally might suggest). In any case if you were drawn to this card this week it might be time to carefully examine your thoughts and belief system, then look around you to see what might not be alignment with your highest good and if it is time to clear that away so you can begin a new cycle.


Shungite is a black, lusterous, non-crystalline mineraloid that is more than 98 weight percent  carbon. It gets it’s name from where it was first described Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia. It contains trace amounts of fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Used in folk medicine since the early 18th century. Peter the Great set up Russia’s first Spa in Karelia to use the water filtering properties of this mineraloid. He also used it to provide purified water for the Russian Army. It’s black color is protective, and it’s electricity conducting ability make it a great amplifier in meditation and magick.  It is also said to protect from negative energies of all kinds including electronic pollution and E.M.F.s. It is also said to have a connection with the Earth Star Chakra, and ancient Earth energies. It is a very grounding and healing stone that is also used for the base or root Chakra.  In divination Shungite would point to a need to clean and protect yourself and your environment.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element,  cardinal modality, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, or staff with a globe, and a sword. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. This card may also represent you if you are in a position of authority, or taking control of some thing, or some aspect of your life. The number four in numerology represents things like foundations,  and security.  Some keywords connected with the Emperor card include law, order, power, authority, rules, boundaries, and promotion. If you have been drawn to this card this week it might be a good idea to set some clear boundaries with others, and focus on building secure foundations for yourself including relationships and your environment.

I hope that you have enjoyed the mini-readings this week, and found them to be useful. If you have any questions about this week’s mini-readings or would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com


Tarot Tuesday February 12th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

When you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week the deck is the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck, from U.S. Games.  I have used crystals above each card and will include information on each in the mini-readings. From left to right the crystals that are above the cards as markers are Pietersite , Purpurite, and Chrysocolla.

The Reveal

From left to right we have Pietersite above the Six of Wands on the far left, Purpurite above the Page of Pentacles in the center, and Chrysocolla above the Queen of Swords on the far right. Take note of which card and crystal you were drawn to, and your first reaction to it. You can compare this initial intuition of yours with how you feel after you read the information in the mini-reading. Did the card you were drawn to make sense for you at this time? Did your initial reaction to the card prove to be aligned with the card interpretation? The more you pay attention to your own intuition and internal guidance system the stronger and more accurate they become.


Pietersite Crystal

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. It is a fairly recent discovery made by Sid Pieters in WIndhoek, Namibia. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Six of Wands

This card carries the energy of the planet Jupiter, and the sign Leo. Its modality is fixed and its element is fire.  The image on the card depicts a man on horseback with a laurel wreath not only on his head but also on the staff he holds. This card is considered a card of victory and success. Keywords include completion, success, reward, recognition, good news, and triumph. While the victory may be an internal one, it usually is one that will be recognized by those around you. You have summoned your inner fire of will and inspiration to win the day. The message of this card is that even if challenges are apparent you will overcome them.


The name Purpurite comes from the latin word “purpura” which means purple. Purpurite is a mineral phosphate and is what results in the oxidation of iron or manganese, or both, with a little leaching from lithiophilite. It is found in many places in the U.S., Portugal, France, Namibia, Australia, and Sweden. It helps with confidence, clear thinking, and ability to speak freely. This stone is also said to work with the crown chakra (and all the higher transpersonal chakras) to assist with spiritual connection and bring those healing energies down into the lower realms. This stone is helpful to those who do energy or oracle work, allowing clear communication and understanding of messages and the reading of energies. In divination this stone suggests that you be open for new ways to heal.

Page of Pentacles

This card is said to be Earth in the suit of Earth. It corresponds astrologically to Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.  It is the perpetual student, an idealist, perfectionist. This card can represent a young person, especially an Earth sign. Some keywords are alert, practical, optimistic, and willing to work hard, and open to learning things, so studious and diligent. When this card does not represent an actual person it often indicates messages, these could be spoken, written, or delivered via the Universe through signs. As an Earth sign these messages can often relate to our physical bodies, money and finances, or our environment.  The message this card holds this week is to be be alert for messages about healing. This healing could be around any or all of the topics above like education and study, our physical environment, bodies, or money and finances.


Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

Queen of Swords

This Minor Arcana court card is said to be Water in the suit of Air. This card also has an affinity for the astrological sign of Libra. A serious woman on a throne holding a sword in her right hand and raising her left hand toward an unseen subject. The element of Air rules thinking and intellect. This card usually represents a woman, often an Air sign. It is thought that she knows suffering and sometimes is said to represent a widow. In any case she is quick witted, and independent. The sword card also can represent writing, an on-line presence, handicrafts, and sometimes even a sharp tongue. Some keywords include independent, intellectual, witty, perceptive, feminist, justice, solutions, and accuracy. This card might represent a woman who is in or will enter your life, or it might even be you. The message of this card is to use some of the Venus ruled Libra energy to include grace and beauty in your expressions this week. Whether you are writing a blog, a manifesto, or even knitting a shawl, do it gracefully and beautifully.

I hope that you have enjoyed the mini-reading for the week, and found it helpful. If you have any questions, or would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at: april@lodestarphx




February 5th Tarot Tuesday Reveal

February 5th Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

When you feel ready pick the card that you are most drawn to. From left to right there are different crystals above the cards. I will use these as markers for each card, and include them in the mini-reading. From Left to right we have a Green Agate Pyramid, an Unakite egg, and a Shiva Lingam. This week I am using the Radiant Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot deck from U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

The Reveal

Starting on the left we have the Green agate pyramid above the Emperor card, in the center is the Unakite egg above the Judgement card, and on the right is the Shiva Lingam above the Sun card. I find it interesting that all the cards are from the Major Arcana this week. The energy in general this week is certainly strong as we have just had a New Moon in Aquarius, along with the Sun of course but also joined by Mercury and Lilith. Also all the planets are direct with no retrogrades this month. This suggests a time for things to move forward.

Green Agate

Agate is a type of Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. This stone has a stabilizing and strengthening influence. This stone is also good for attracting wealth and abundance of all kinds, including the growth and increase of health as well as finances or things. It will aid in attracting friendship too. It is a green stone and is aligned with the heart chakra. In divination this stone suggests a slow, steady increase in that which you need most now. It might be health, money, love, or a promotion. Overall when drawn to this stone you can expect an improvement, it may not be an instant improvement, but it is in the process of becoming more like what you desire.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element,  cardinal modality, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, and a globe. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. This card may also represent you if you are in a position of authority, or taking control of some thing, or some aspect of your life. If you are drawn to this card this week then it is time to make decisions, and take actions that will lead to the outcomes that you desire. Realize that a period of hard work, control, and persistence is needed to create, maintain, and then grow your desire into something even better.

Unakite Jasper

Unakite Jasper is also called Epidote. It is an amalgamation of Red Jasper, Pink Feldspar, and Green Epidote. It forms as a dense mass of opaque granite rock that ranges in shades of greens, pinks, and and light reds or peach colors. Named for the Unaka Mountains of Tennessee, and North Carolina, in the United states where it was first discovered. It is also found around the Great Lakes, and Zimbabwe, and Switzerland. It is said to be a healing crystal for both the heart and the mind, and balances the emotional body. Due to this it helps in attracting healthy relationships. It is used in spells for love, and fertility. This crystal is supportive of relationships and business. It also helps to release bad habits, and negative patterns you might be stuck in. It is associated with the heart chakra. It is good for spiritual studies, and for rebirthing, and past life healing as well. In divination it points to learning from the past, or overcoming it, and moving forward.


This Major Arcana card is number twenty and it is ruled by Pluto and its element is fire.  The image of an Angel blowing a trumpet and grey figures emerging from coffins impresses the idea of being called to awaken, or start living life in a new way. Keywords include Reincarnation, transition, decision making, awakening, renewal, and even success is implied. If you were drawn to this card this week it suggests that it is a time to make some big changes in your life. The Universe is calling you to live your life in a new way, give up old habits and beliefs that are holding you back. Embrace the new ideas that are calling to you. This card shows that now is the time to transition from your old life and into your new way of being.

Shiva Lingam

The Shiva Lingam is an egg shaped stone made of Jasper. These stones are found in the Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata India. No two stones are alike. The shape is phallic and said to represent masculine energy, while the pattern on the stones is said to represent female energy. It symbolizes the God Shiva’s union with his consort Kali, activating the root and sacral chakras. The Shiva Lingam raises and controls kundalini energy, assisting with spiritual evolution through tantra or sex magic. It also represents balance, harmony, and aiding in the union of opposites. In divination it points to finding your balance so that the perfect balanced match or partnership can be experienced.

The Sun

This Major Arcana, or Trump card is number nineteen, its element is fire and rules itself. The Sun is the central source of light and energy, the primary symbol of the ego, and the full achievement of personal potential. The image on this card is of an infant on the back of a white horse with the Sun and sunflowers behind him. The keywords include joy, happiness, vitality, enlightenment, success, and marriage. This card represents happiness, joy, harmony, and good luck and fortune. It is a time of synchronicity when your inner being is aligned to the same frequency as all the good people, things, and circumstances that you might wish to encounter. If there is a question of whether or not you can do something, or if you should, then this card is a resounding YES. If you were drawn to this card this week remember that it is like the Hermetic axiom of As above, so below, as within, so without. You, and your state of mind, feelings, and emotions is what is creating or allowing(however you want to view it) the good fortune to happen.

I hope that you have found this mini-reading helpful or valuable, if you have any questions or would like to order a full personal reading contact me at:  april@lodestarphx.com