December Astrology


December Astrology

The first week of December starts out with the Sun in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces. By the 5th the Sun will also be squaring Neptune as well, with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces from the 5th through the 8th. This challenging square will be emotionally highlighted on the 7th when the Moon will be conjunct the Sun for a New Moon in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a mutable, masculine, fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion. Sagittarius is concerned with questions of identity and the quest for truth. It wants to experience freedom to explore, travel, and be exposed to the new and novel. This sign is interested in the big picture rather than the details. As a fire sign it tends to be rather enthusiastic and energetic.


The Sun works well with the Sagittarius energy, but the Moon has more of a challenging time accessing and expressing emotionally in this sign. Mars in Pisces tends to be more sensitive, with emotional and spiritual issues especially driving it toward action. Mars in Pisces might be more inclined to crusade for causes that aim to alleviate the suffering of others. Neptune is very much at home in Pisces, being the ruling planet for this sign. Neptune in Pisces in some ways could be seen as connected to the collective unconscious. The planet and the sign are both related to our fantasies, desires, hopes and dreams collectively and individually.  A Mars and Neptune conjunction, that is square the Sun in Sagittarius could lead to challenges that drive us either collectively or individually to not only seek out the truth, but to then act on it.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury has been retrograde since November 16th, and will station direct on the 6th of December. After which there is still a period that is considered a “shadow period” of Mercury retrograde from the 6th through the 24th of December. Mercury will trine the asteroid Chiron on the 6th suggesting that as it goes direct there will be a healing, possibly spiritually elevated energy accompanying it. Also take into consideration that the retrograde and shadow period are in effect for nearly the entire month. This could indicate that how you think about things, or plans you have, may change due to new information coming in.  If you remain alert for signs of confusion and patiently seek clarity, and then later in the month allow for changes(staying open and flexible), you will be ahead of the game. I personally find retrogrades are good for redoing things. This can apply in so many different ways. From changing an opinion to rewriting a play, it will depend on where it falls in your chart personally as to how it might express for you.


By the 15th Venus will have moved into Scorpio and will be receiving a supportive sextile with Saturn in Capricorn through the 17th. From the 16th through the 18th Mars will have it’s own supportive sextile aspect with Pluto in Capricorn as well. This energy could be helpful for transforming rules and structures  in order to improve and protect the integrity of the group. This might be  accomplished through determining who is responsible and accountable.

Winter Solstice

Friday the 21st is Winter Solstice. On the 20th-21st the Sun will move into Capricorn, and form a trine aspect with Uranus in Aries. This seems like a time when it would be easy for sudden, new changes to start to show up in old authority structures. On a more personal level this may be a good day to change a habit that no longer serves you, replacing it with a healthier behavior.

The 21st-22nd will find Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter. Big, expansive ideas might be swirling around now. Venus in Scorpio will be trine Neptune in Pisces. This is very feminine and emotional energy. Scorpio and Pisces are both water signs. There could be a lot of artistic expression involved right now. This would be a great time to channel your energy into any art or music projects. It would also be a good idea to take a few deep breaths before letting yourself get carried away emotionally, make sure you have the facts clear before reacting in relation to others.

Full Moon

Full Moon will be on the 22nd in Cancer. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer so lending it more power in it’s expression of universal mother energy. This moon is very much about feminine energy, emotions, soul identity, feeling nurtured, and nurturing, and a desire to feel safe and protected. This energy will serve to heighten the other emotional energies at play now.

From the 24th through 25th Mercury in Sagittarius will square Neptune in Pisces. This aspect might bring some confusion or mix-ups, usually due to moving too quickly without checking details. It can also challenge you to be clear about your beliefs.

The 28th through the 29th will bring a supportive aspect(sextile) between Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. This could point to creating or strengthening  emotional boundaries and reactions.  There will have been a lot of opportunity to experience and practice with both this month in ways that will be helpful moving into a new year feeling safe and stable, even in the face of change.

The Stars Don’t Compel, They Impel

This short overview for the month of December should give a general idea of what you might reasonably expect to experience. Of course if you have your personal Natal Chart then you can have a much better idea of how the Planets moving through the sky would aspect your own personal planetary configurations. Knowing what might be ahead can really help you to be prepared, and to take advantage of opportunities that might be preparing to present themselves. It is also good to remember the old saying “the stars don’t compel they impel”. I know it might sound like the same thing (urge forcefully) but the meaning in this saying is  about how you have the final word, or choice in the matter. You make the decisions about how you will act, and respond to what life (and the stars) puts in front of you. Nothing is so set in stone that you are completely helpless against it, you decide how you think and feel about it at the very least. You have the final authority on your life and decide what you will do with it. Knowing what might be coming and using that knowledge to help you plan to work with the energies seems like just good common sense.


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