Tarot Tuesday March 12th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

When you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. I am using the crystal hearts above each card as a marker and the crystal will also be included in the following mini-reading. From left to right the crystals are Chrysocolla, Preseli Bluestone, and Pietersite. The Tarot deck this week is the Rider-Waite (Smith) tarot deck, by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. This deck is a classic, one of the most well known and recognized decks available. It is also the deck I recommend to those who are new to Tarot and are looking for their first deck.

The Reveal

Take notice of your first impression when you discover the card you have chosen. Compare this to how you feel after the mini-reading for the card. The more you use and are aware of your own feelings and emotions the more you can use this knowledge to hone your intuition. Like a muscle the more you pay attention to and trust your intuition, the stronger it will get.

From left to right we have Chrysocolla above the Moon, Preseli Bluestone above Strength in the middle, and Pietersite above the Ace of Swords on the left.


Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

The Moon

This card is the eighteenth Major Arcana card. It’s element is water, and it’s ruling planet is Neptune. Neptune rules the astrological sign Pisces. The image shows a full moon that also contains a crescent. Beneath this a crayfish crawls out of the primordial sea. Both these images representing mutability and evolution. This is further underscored with the two dogs, one tamed the other still wild. Cycles, phases, and change are some keywords the image may conjure. Other keywords include dreams, imagination, deception, intuitive, artistic, emotional, and illusive. This week as we head toward the full moon at 0 degrees of Libra on the Spring Equinox (a Harvest moon in the Southern Hemisphere), there may be a feeling of uncertainty, or even pressure or anxiety. This is due to the energy that is building toward this “turn of the wheel” or change in season. You yourself are likely to be going through a process of change if you were drawn to this card. Align yourself with the energies of the Moon and prepare for a phase of new growth, and balance within yourself and in your outer circumstances. You will fare best if you allow yourself to navigate the new territory through your intuitive senses.

Preseli Bluestone

This stone is spotted Dolerite which contains feldspar, with inclusions of illmenite or Hematite intergrown with titanium oxides. Most stones also have inclusions of white minerals like quartz or chalk in them as well. They are named after the area where the stone originates, the Preseli Mountains in Wales. This stone is the same stone as the stones in the inner circle at Stonehenge. This stone resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, activating willpower and courage.  It is said to enhance psychic gifts and aid in connecting to past lives in Celtic Britain and ancient Egypt. This stone is also said to connect you to the mystical archetype of Merlin and his magic. This is a good stone for grounding and for deepening connection with the Earth. In divination this stone may suggest that you may need to stay grounded and trust in your abilities to channel the wisdom of your past to inform your future.


This card is the eighth card in the Rider-Waite -Smith tarot deck. It is attributed to the sign Leo, and has a fixed modality with the element of fire. Leo is ruled by the Sun. The image shows a maiden retraining the jaws of a lion, gently controlling the animal nature. A lemniscate, the symbol above her head that resembles a figure eight on its side, is known as the infinity symbol. This represents a need for continued mindfulness of that which is occurring in ones consciousness, and as much as possible just beyond. Some keywords include strength, power, energy, force, heart, vitality, self-esteem, will, animal nature, instinct, mastery, and lust. If this is the card you have been drawn to this week you may need to use your courage and determination to dive deep into any past issues that you don’t want to continue to carry with you into the new phase that will be ushered in with the Spring Equinox next week.  Wouldn’t it be a blessing to start off the Spring with an open heart?


Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. It is a fairly recent discovery made by Sid Pieters in WIndhoek, Namibia. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Ace of Swords

This card is the first card in the MInor Arcana suit of Swords. All Aces represent new energies. The suit of Swords represents the element of Air. Astrological correspondences are Libra (Cardinal in the suit of Air), Aquarius (Fixed), and Gemini (Mutable Air). The image shows a hand emerging from clouds, grasping a crowned sword. Palm and olive branches hang from the crown. Six yellow flames known as Yods hover around the hilt of the sword. The hand grasping the sword appears to be the right hand which symbolizes action, rather than the left which symbolizes receptivity. Some keywords include action, initiating force, rational mind, inventive, innovative, communication, thinking, success, victory, conquest, justice, and liberation. If this is the card you have been drawn to this week it is likely that new thoughts and ideas will arise, perhaps due to new information being uncovered, that will lead to new and improved situations. The saying “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”(attributed to  Albert Einstein) applies here.

I hope that you have found these mini-readings helpful this week. If you have any questions, or would like to book a full personalized reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.



Tarot Tuesday February 26th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you are ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week’s tarot deck is the Universal Waite Tarot, published by U.S. Games systems, Inc. With drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson Roberts. The three crystal hearts above the cards are used as markers and included in the mini-readings. From left to right the hearts are Fluorite, Sunstone, and Blue Calcite. I obtained these three hearts from Crystal Intuition Arizona.  

Tarot Reveal

From left to right we have Fluorite above the Ten of Pentacles on the left, Sunstone above the Two of Swords in the middle, and on the far right Blue Calcite above the King of Cups.  Pay attention to your initial reaction upon seeing the card you were drawn to. See if this reaction lines up with how you feel after getting the information from the mini-reading about the card. Being aware of our thoughts, and feelings helps us to understand and hone our intuitive skills. It starts with paying attention, and then you learn to trust and use your intuition. Like a muscle the more you exercise it the stronger it will get.

Fluorite Crystal

Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, it belongs to the halide minerals. It is a widely occurring mineral with deposits found worldwide. Industrially it is used as flux for smelting, and in the production of some glasses and enamels. Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It stimulates the electrical charge in the brain and increases prana energy. This stone works well with the upper Chakras. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.

Ten of Pentacles

This card is the tenth card in the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana. It carries the energy of Mercury and Virgo, with a mutable modality and Earth element. The image is of a male elder seated amidst his family and pets (the dogs). Tens in numerology are about endings, but the number contains a one also so these endings are typically more cyclic than abrupt and permanent. Some keywords for this card include success, legacy, finances, wealth, foundations, home, and family. It is known as the “wall street card” as it often shows up to represent wealth and windfalls. It could be a change for the better of your living status through buying or selling property, or travel for work that leads to more money. This card is about satisfaction but this is not just financial, but there is an emotional element to it as well. We are generally able to be more emotionally generous when we are feeling secure with our place in life. If you were drawn to this card this week no matter the details you should expect the winds of change to blow in for the better for you.

Sunstone Crystal

Sunstone is a plagioclase feldspar. It has been found in southern Norway, Sweden and various locations around the U.S. It is known as a joyful stone that assists in the nurturing of self in order to be of service to others. It is said to increase vitality, abundance, and luck. It carries the energy of Solar Deities. It will clear and cleanse all chakras, but works particularly well with the base and sacral chakras. In divination Sunstone heralds luck and health, our challenge is to enjoy this period of time without worrying if it will last.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords is the second card in the Minor Arcana suit of Swords. It is astrologically attributed to the energies of Moon in Libra, and its modality is cardinal and element is Air. Twos in numerology are about communications, dualities, and balance. The image is one of a blindfolded female holding two swords. Some keywords associated with this card are decisions, balance, planning, strategy, and awareness. The suit of swords represents Air element, which has to do with thoughts and mentality, as well as communication. If you have been drawn to this card this week then you may want to write up a pros and cons list if you need to decide something. Use your all your abilities to be clear and concise when you need to communicate what you have decided. As long as it passes the final litmus test of feeling (moon) right as well as making sense, it should turn out to be beneficial for you.

Blue Calcite Crystal

Calcite is a carbonate mineral. There are over 800 varieties. Most on the market these days comes from Brazil and Mexico. As a blue stone it is aligned with the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra, and the Throat Chakra. While it is an overall soothing stone, it amplifies energy in these chakras. This stone will clear out negative energies from physical bodies and environments. It clears out old patterns so healing and new patterns can be established. It also assists with increasing intuition and emotional healing and balancing. This stone represents female intuitive yin energy. In divination this stone suggests that you might need to work on healing self-talk right now, making sure your inner dialog speaks to you as you would speak to your own best friend. This is a time for healing your emotions, before you worry about making anyone else understand them.

King of Cups

This card is a court card in the Minor Arcana suit of cups. This card carries the energy of fixed Air and mutable Water (some systems say Fire in the Suit of Water, Fixed Water, Scorpio). Kings are power and authority, Cups are feelings, emotions, intuition, and creativity. The image is a King sitting upon his throne holding a cup and his scepter. Some keywords include sensitive, enthusiastic, creative, caring, and artistic. This card can often signify an actual person in your life, usually but not always a male. It may also represent you, or a situation. If you have been drawn to this card this week it is likely that you will need to start thinking of yourself as the final authority on your emotions, and any intuitive or creative urges.  Know that your emotional life is deeper than most in your sphere, so you are the “King” of these depths right now. If this card represent another person in your life, then you may want to allow them to do what they need to do to heal or create at this time.

I hope that you have found these mini-readings helpful. If you have any questions about this, or would like to book a full personalized reading feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.



Tarot Tuesday February 19th

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week the card deck is the Morgan-Greer deck from U.S. Games Systems, Inc. There are crystals above each card that I am using as markers and will also include in the mini-reading. From left to right the crystals are Green Agate, Selenite, and Shungite.

Tarot Reveal

From left to right we have the Green Agate pyramid on the far left above the High Priestess card, in the center is the Selenite pyramid above the Ten of Swords, and on the far right is the Shungite pyramid above the Emperor card.

Green Agate

Agate is a type of Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family. This stone has a stabilizing and strengthening influence. This stone is also good for attracting wealth and abundance of all kinds, including the growth and increase of health as well as finances or things. It will aid in attracting friendship too. It is a green stone and is aligned with the heart chakra. In divination this stone suggests a slow, steady increase in that which you need most now. It might be health, money, love, or a promotion. Overall when drawn to this stone you can expect an improvement, it may not be an instant improvement, but it is in the process of becoming more like what you desire.

High Priestess

This is the second Major Arcana, or Trump card in most traditional decks. The element is Water and the ruling planet is the Moon, which rules the sign Cancer(which rules home and family). This card represents the female indwelling presence of the divine, or anima. This card contains suggestions of it’s connection to the Moon with the crescent moon at the Priestess’ feet. This hints at cycles of not only the moon, or the female, but cycles of all kinds are subtly suggested. Water is generally seen as emotions and feelings, and they can ebb and flow like the tides.  Two in numerology represents communications and relationships among other things. With this card the communication could just as likely be from or to your subconscious as another person. This card has keywords like mystery, secrets, silence, stillness, and hidden. They suggest not only the possibility that something is being kept from you, but that perhaps your best course of action is to not “lay all your cards on the table” either. I have seen this card show up in readings representing the ideal, or “perfect” woman. With this in mind it may be time if you have been drawn to this card this week, to trust your inner feminine, your instincts and intuition. (also all keywords for this card) To work on communicating with and building relationship with that part of yourself.


Selenite is a clear transparent form of gypsum, a very soft mineral that is easily scratched and water-sensitive. A common mineral that crystallizes in long, blade-like striations, that can be shaped and tumbled.  It is named after the Moon Goddess Selene.  This stone has the ability to remove unwanted energies from the body. It balances and stabilizes not just the physical body but also emotions.  It is a protective stone that can also awaken your intuition. It can cleanse other crystals as well as you and your environment but it does itself need to be cleansed.  This stone resonates with the Crown Chakra and higher chakras. This is a highly valued stone for spiritual work, and can be used to cut cords, clear energy bodies and clear and align chakras. In divination it suggests that your situation might be unstable or about to change. You might have to separate from something or somebody that isn’t serving your best interests.

Ten of Swords

This card is the tenth card in the Minor Arcana suit of swords. It’s element and modality are mutable air, with the energy of the Sun and sign of Gemini. The number ten is often associated with endings and conclusions, but it also contains the number one within it hinting at a whole new beginning.  The image of this card is of a figure face down on the ground with ten swords impaled into the back. Swords are the element of Air, which is thinking and mentality. This might show faulty thinking being the cause of this unexpected ending. It might also point to the need for new thoughts or ways of thinking about things in order to avoid a repeat of this kind of painful experience. Sometimes I have seen this card appear in a reading when not only a new way of thinking were needed, but new methods as well, like trying meditation, or acupuncture(as the image looked at literally might suggest). In any case if you were drawn to this card this week it might be time to carefully examine your thoughts and belief system, then look around you to see what might not be alignment with your highest good and if it is time to clear that away so you can begin a new cycle.


Shungite is a black, lusterous, non-crystalline mineraloid that is more than 98 weight percent  carbon. It gets it’s name from where it was first described Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia. It contains trace amounts of fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Used in folk medicine since the early 18th century. Peter the Great set up Russia’s first Spa in Karelia to use the water filtering properties of this mineraloid. He also used it to provide purified water for the Russian Army. It’s black color is protective, and it’s electricity conducting ability make it a great amplifier in meditation and magick.  It is also said to protect from negative energies of all kinds including electronic pollution and E.M.F.s. It is also said to have a connection with the Earth Star Chakra, and ancient Earth energies. It is a very grounding and healing stone that is also used for the base or root Chakra.  In divination Shungite would point to a need to clean and protect yourself and your environment.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element,  cardinal modality, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, or staff with a globe, and a sword. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. This card may also represent you if you are in a position of authority, or taking control of some thing, or some aspect of your life. The number four in numerology represents things like foundations,  and security.  Some keywords connected with the Emperor card include law, order, power, authority, rules, boundaries, and promotion. If you have been drawn to this card this week it might be a good idea to set some clear boundaries with others, and focus on building secure foundations for yourself including relationships and your environment.

I hope that you have enjoyed the mini-readings this week, and found them to be useful. If you have any questions about this week’s mini-readings or would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com


Tuesday January 22, 2019 Tarot Reveal

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick a card. From left to right above the cards are three crystal hearts that I will use in place a numbers 1,2, and 3. The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla.  The second heart in the middle is Fluorite.   The third on the right is Pietersite. I consider these crystals as being paired with the card they sit above. The different crystals usually share a common theme or energy with the card it is paired with.

The Reveal

The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla, and the card beneath it is the Nine of Pentacles. The second heart in the middle is Fluorite and the card beneath it is the Emperor. The heart on the right is Pietersite and the card beneath it is the Five of Swords. Take note of your initial feeling upon seeing what the card you picked is. Do you feel good about it? Does it leave you feeling anxious? Or are you feeling a sense of “oh that figures”? Noticing our initial reactions helps us in developing our intuition. The feelings and thoughts that first show up are usually unfiltered and have messages of their own to share with us if we pay attention. You can check these initial reactions later against what you may learn about the card and crystal pair and see if it has changed or gotten deeper.

Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

Nine of Pentacles

This card is a Minor Arcana card or pip card. This card is an Earth element card, and is said to carry the energy of Venus in Virgo. The number nine is a number that represents culminating energy. Pentacles represent money and wealth, but also physical health and the material world itself. The card itself shows a woman in her garden with a falcon. This image speaks of self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, financial well-being, independence, and even creativity and spiritual connection (being able to use spiritual messages in practical ways).  She is alone in that she is the only person in the image, yet there is no evidence of her being lonely. A small snail near her feet might suggest a that it took some time to grow and develop not only the wealth but possibly the self-assurance as well. If you have chosen this card it may be time to focus on growing your “garden”. Now is not a time to build your world around what anyone else wants for or from you, instead build it to suit yourself. Learn to be happy with your own company, it is better to have fewer friends than many false ones.

Fluorite Crystal



Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, and a globe. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. If you have chosen this card it is time to make the hard decisions and take the lead. Be the boss in whatever situation you are facing at this time. This doesn’t have to mean being mean, you could choose to be tough but fair. In any case now is the time to take charge.

Pietersite Crystal

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Five of Swords

This card is of the Air element, air is a representation of thoughts, and communications. The number five is a number that shows change,  movement, and transmutation. The air signs of Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini could figure into the associations for this card. The card itself shows several dejected figures and one figure in the foreground. There are stormy skies that might further suggest battles, or unrest of sorts. The scene appears like a battle has been won, but the victory may or may not have been worth it. If you have chosen this card then it is likely that there has been a fight of ideas going on for you. It is also a possibility that the new ideas that win will cause you to make some changes. Making changes is not always easy, but once we are far enough along to see the results of them it is like the difference between night and day. Also remember that often when making big changes we need to let go of what is not working and even though this leads to better things it can hurt or be unsettling to do so. So allow yourself to grieve what you will be getting rid of even if it is just an idea, or belief. When you are done the clouds will clear and the Sun will shine again.

I hope that you have found this to be helpful, or meaningful. If you have any questions, or would like to purchase a reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.




Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Pick A Card

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you.

Once you feel ready then pick a card. I will be looking at these crystals and cards as pairs, or sets from left to right. Starting on the left with a Spirit Quartz crystal, then in the center with a Clear Quartz Cluster of crystals, and finally on the right with Citrine Spirit Quartz. I have found with these card reveals that the crystals and the cards seem to have energies and messages that are complimentary to one another. If crystals aren’t your thing feel free to skip to the card meanings.


From left to right we have the Amethyst Spirit Quartz with the Tower card, in the middle the Clear Quartz Cluster with the Queen of Pentacles card, and on the right the Citrine Spirit Quartz with the World card. It is interesting to note that each of the Spirit Quartz has a Major Arcana card aligned with it and the Clear Quartz cluster has a Court Card aligned with it. The Major Arcana are powerful and full of meaning on their own, but they also together tell a story of the fool’s journey (or hero’s journey if you prefer). The Court cards usually (but not always) represent actual people. Sometimes the person the card represents is the person getting the reading (the seeker, or querent), and sometimes it is someone in the seekers life.

Spirit Quartz

The crystal on the left above the Tower card is an Amethyst Spirit Quartz. Spirit Quartz, also known as Cactus Quartz, or Porcupine Quartz is at its core a terminated quartz crystal that is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. They are crystal communities usually found in clusters. The most common variety is Amethyst, but it can also be found in white quartz, Smokey quartz, and CItrine Quartz. Found in the Magaliesberg Mountain area of South Africa, these are crystals of harmony, alignment, and amplification. Each variety will have additional energies that it will express. The Amethyst Spirit Quartz activates the Crown Chakra, and higher. It can bring in spiritual information, and provide multi-dimensional healing. This could also be seen as similar to the Tower in some cases, suddenly bringing in information that might change your thinking, or spiritual connection, with healing as the ultimate end goal. This crystal is also used for cleansing the aura, healing the etheric body, dispelling negative attachments and entities, and assisting in the transition to other states of being. It is associated with many of the wisdom Goddesses like Minerva, or Sophia.

The Tower

The Tower is the sixteenth card in the Major Arcana of a typical Tarot deck. It contains a powerful image of lightning striking a tower, knocking the top off and sending a pair of people falling head first towards the ground. The most common thoughts when seeing this card are of danger, sudden events that are beyond our control, crisis, damage, accidents, danger and destruction. Sometimes this card is a warning of something that seems to hit us unaware and send us reeling, turning our world upside down. That is not the only way of viewing this card however, and there are times that it can mean sudden new insights, or liberation. It can be the epiphany of a wonderful “aha” moment when you see things in a way that changes things for you forever. The element for this card is fire, and its ruling planet is Mars. This adds to the idea that what it represents is sudden and perhaps aggressive. It might be that we are so unaware that it will take a strong “wake up call” for us to “get it” and put ourselves right again. If you have chosen this card you might want to be more aware of how you are thinking and moving through the world right now. A little meditation and self-reflection could be just the thing to avoid any crisis and exchange it for a new idea or awareness.

Clear Quartz Cluster

Quartz is one of the most common crystal types and found in many places around the world. It come in many varieties as well, from Rose Quartz to Amethyst Quartz and so many more. A Cluster is as the name implies a group of individual crystals that have grown together in a cluster. While these crystals have all the properties of quartz they also have a combined energy that is able to spread out and impact larger areas, or more people. Some keywords associated with crystal clusters are community, connection, balance, projection, and energize. You can use these clusters to energize other crystals, as well as balance the energies in a room, house, or body. As they can receive, store, and project energy they make awesome manifestation tools. Since this crystal form is aligned with the card Queen of Pentacles, at this time I would stress the earthy energies related to growing things or maintaining them – abundance, and a physical community that supports you. If you would like to learn more about Clear Quartz and it’s properties, it was featured last week in the Tarot Reveal.

Queen of Pentacles

This card could represent you, or someone in your life. This card is of the Earth element and associated with the physical Earth realm. Things like gardening, nature, the body, and even money are connected to this card. This woman is often a mother, either literally with children, or metaphorically as a creatrix, artist, entrepreneur, or  other type of leader or authority figure. This woman might well be an Earth sign like Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn. If you have chosen this card it may be time for you to step into (or further into) this type of role, or to work with or for this type of person right now. Consider the association with the crystal cluster and how maybe you could grow or maintain your business, family, home, garden,  or support group at this time.

Citrine Spirit Quartz

This crystal has the same properties as all Spirit Quartz, but it also has some unique energies it expresses. This crystal activates the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, it assists in aligning personal will to Divine will. It is said to help in feelings of self-worth and empowerment, this feeling of empowerment can lead to the ability to express the true higher-self will. It allows for release of material attachments yet enables true abundance of meaningful things, people, and experiences into one’s life. The golden color of this crystal encourages forgiveness, happiness, and enjoying the pleasures of life without the drives of greed or jealousy. It assists in abundance and nourishment of all kind and is associated with Grain and abundance Goddesses like Demeter.

The World

Another Major Arcana card, number twenty-one.  It’s element is Earth, and it’s ruling planet is Saturn. This card is often seen as an ending of a cycle of life, a major change that is permanent, also fulfillment, and completion. Saturn would seem to speak directly to this view, but as many who follow astrology will tell you if you do the work you get the reward. If however you have not then you may not enjoy the results, which are usually even more work (both inner and outer) if you want to see improvement. This card in many ways speaks about balance and harmony that come from learning how to order your life so it works for you and not against you. The lessons of Saturn have taught you what really has value, and what really matters, with this information you can create your “world” in a way that feeling like you are in the “flow” is the new normal. If you have chosen this card and don’t currently feel like things are changing for the better for you, it may be that you need to relearn the lessons of Saturn to find out what “works” for you.

I hope that this has been helpful, meaningful, and informative for you. If you have any questions, or would like to order a full reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.