Tarot Tuesday July 9th.

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your Root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity, draining it away and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one  breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you…

When you feel ready pick the card that you are the most drawn to. The deck this week is the Connolly Tarot by Peter Paul Connolly and Eileen Connolly, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The crystals above each card will also be included in the following mini-readings, from left to right they are Rose Quartz, Sodalite, and Red Jasper.

The Reveal

From left to right we have Rose Quartz above Judgement, Sodalite above the Five of Pentacles, and Red Jasper above the Ten of Cups. Pay attention to your initial reaction upon seeing your card, then compare this to how you feel after the mini-reading. Awareness is the first step in developing your own intuition. Did your feelings or thoughts change after you read the information about the card that you picked? Did the mini-reading resonate for you, or did you find another meaning for yourself within the information about the card that made more sense?

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is called the heart stone, it corresponds to the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is a silicone dioxide crystal that is a common variety of Quartz found all around the world. This stone is also said to inspire love and beauty in all forms. Used for developing or attracting loving relationships with others, and even the self. In divination this stone is about forgiving yourself, and not allowing others to lay blame on you that you do not deserve. This stone also serves to help nurture a positive self-image, release emotional wounds, and learn to joyfully give and receive love.


While in many decks this card would be associated with the planets Saturn or Pluto and the element of fire Eileen Connolly has it assigned to the Moon.  According to Connolly Judgement suggests self-judgement, rebirth, a renewal of the inner you. The child is the higher consciousness already emerging into the new existence, pointing the way, naked and void of all previous thought patterns. The female consciousness is dressed in blue representing spirituality, with a scarf around her head and neck representing purity, she no longer wears shoes. The male conscious level is the process of reality. He is looking at the book of life-his life. He is in the process of self-judgement, self-analysis, it has been his greatest battle. The key: Wonderful things are starting to happen. You have the ability to forge ahead and see what the future holds. Break away from conventional thinking and face life realistically.


Sodalite is a feldspathoid with deep blue color that is intermingled with white calcite (though it sometimes can form in colors like grey, pink, green, or yellow). It is named for it’s sodium content, it is a chloric sodium aluminum silicate. First discovered in Greenland, with vast deposits found later in Ontario, Canada. Sodalite has a calm, stabilizing energy that is useful for those prone to anxiety or panic attacks.  It clears the way to allow movement from over-emotional to rational. It is good for creativity, inspiration, and focus. As a blue stone it is associated with the throat chakra, and the third eye chakra (Ajna) these chakras have dominion over communication, expression, as well as intuition and inspiration. In divination Sodalite shows a need to say something but also a need to be tactful and use the right words to say it.

Five of Pentacles

Many decks would associate this card astrologically with Mercury in Taurus and fixed earth as the modality and element. Eileen Connolly assigns this card astrologically to Jupiter/ Aquarius/Gemini/Uranus/Saturn/Mercury. The card image shows a blindfolded woman steadying herself on a garden gate composed of five pentacles. She is dressed in a purple skirt, the color of royalty, spirituality and healing. She also has on a yellow embroidered shirt and a green belt, yellow is often associated with the element air and gold is a hue of yellow, the green belt may be associated with earth and growing things as well as the color of money. A child or Cherub (the higher self) is removing a red blindfold from the woman (the feminine consciousness) this may represent a change from being blinded by passions to starting to see clearly. Eileen Connolly’s key: Take the time to review what is happening in your life and what  you want. Don’t be afraid. Listen to your higher self and open the gate of opportunity.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper. a stone of empowerment and strength. It is a microcrystalline variety of quartz, with a high iron content found all over the world. Said to be protective crystals of both the physical and spiritual realms. A stone of endurance and stamina, that activates the root chakra. It helps with connecting to Earth’s grounding energies and alleviates stress. A good stone for assisting with dream work, astral travel, and divination. It’s meaning in divination is a need to create and use boundaries with those who might be taking advantage of you, or trying to manipulate you.

Ten of Cups

Many decks may see this card as associated with Mars in Pisces and the modality and element of mutable water. Eileen Connolly assigns this card astrologically with Uranus/Scorpio/Pluto/Mars. The image of this card has a couple in the foreground that represent the male and female consciousnesses, behind them is a rainbow with ten cups and what appears to be a youth that may represent the higher self. Key: You are experiencing the happiness you desire. Realization of personal hopes and dreams.

I hope that you have found the Tarot Reveal this week to be helpful. If you would like to book a full personal reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com




Tarot Tuesday May 28th.

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one  breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you…

When you feel ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. I am using crystal pendulums this week as markers, and I will include them in the following mini-readings. From left to right the pendulums are Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, and Amethyst. The deck this week is the Universal Waite published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. In this deck the drawings of Pamela Colman Smith have been recolored by artist Mary Hanson-Roberts.

The Reveal

From left to right we have Rose Quartz above the Page of Pentacles, Smoky Quartz above the Four of Cups, and Amethyst above the Ace of Cups. Pay attention to your initial reaction when you see the card that you were drawn to. You may feel differently after the mini-reading, or you may not. The first step in developing your intuition is to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Once you are comfortable with identifying how you are reacting, or how your intuition is speaking to you, then you can further strengthen and use this awareness.

Rose Quartz

This silicon dioxide crystal is a variety of the Quartz family found all around the world. Rose quartz is called the heart stone, it corresponds to the heart chakra. This stone is also said to inspire love and beauty in all forms. Used for developing or attracting loving relationships with others, and even the self. In divination this stone is about forgiving yourself, and not allowing others to lay blame on you that you do not deserve. This stone also serves to help nurture a positive self-image, release emotional wounds, and learn to joyfully give and receive love. In divination Rose Quartz suggests that it is time to forgive yourself for past mistakes, and to ensure that you are not taking on the blame for others.

Page of Pentacles

This card is a court card in the Minor Arcana suit of Pentacles. It carries the energy of Earth of Earth, with an astrological correspondence to the Earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. The image is of a youth holding a pentacle aloft  surrounded by the yellow-sky representing the Life-Breath. This card might represent an actual young person in your life, or it may just be a message that you will receive. Some keywords and ideas for this card include work, practicality, natural student, money, finances, growth, nature, and disciplined, responsible, and diplomatic. It may be that this card is a young person in your life that you can assist with learning some Earth lessons, or it could be messages that you are receiving that you learn some Earth lessons from this week.

Smoky Quartz

This is another silicon dioxide mineral variety of Quartz. Readily found all around the world. Yet many crystals on the market are clear Quartz that have been treated with x-rays, or radium to turn the crystals dark. It is the national gem of Scotland. It is used by metaphysical practitioners to ground, shield, and protect. It is known to activate and purify the Root Chakra, and is used in many healing tools and grid layouts. It is also used to protect the Earth Chakra that is slightly below the feet. In divination this stone suggests that any worries that have been around for some time are finally going to be improving, even if it seems they do so slowly.

Four of Cups

This card is the fourth card in the suit of cups in the Minor Arcana. It carries the astrological energy of Moon in Cancer and the modality and element of cardinal water. The image shows a figure sitting cross-legged and with arms crossed under a tree. There is a hand emerging from a cloud offering a cup, and three cups in the foreground. Fours are about foundations, stability, balance and authority. Cups represent the  emotions, intuition, creativity, and subconscious. Some keywords and concepts for this card include opportunities offered, contemplating a decision, dissatisfaction, passivity, brooding, inaction, or indecision. If you have been drawn to this card this week you may have been procrastinating on taking action or making a decision because you don’t feel emotionally ready, or emotionally satisfied about what your choices or the opportunities are. With the cups involved it may be that  mood is holding you back from thinking clearly. Create a pros and cons list so you can look at things in a more rational way. Remember that usually once we take some action even if small things start to feel better emotionally. Even coming to a decision can sometimes be enough of an action to start feeling better in a situation.


Amethyst is a variety of quartz made up of silicone dioxide, it gets its color from iron and aluminum deposits as well as natural irradiation. Found in places like Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Africa, Canada, Russia, U.S.A. and Europe. It has a long history of use by humans. For some it was merely decorative, but the ancient Greeks were known to use it as  protection against drunkenness. It has also been known for it’s healing and protective properties. It resonates with the Crown Chakra, and helps connect it to the Third Eye, or Brow Chakra (Ajna Chakra). It is called the “All- healer” and said to be one the most effective for healing plants, animals, and people. It is a calming and soothing stone. Dreaming of this stone is a good omen as it is said to mean that you are safe, or free from harm (or will be safe and free from harm if you are not currently). In divination this stone means that you will be able to be satisfied with things as they are without need for extremes.

Ace of Cups

This card is the Ace card from the Cups suit in the Minor Arcana. It is the element of Water, with astrological correspondence to Cancer and Cardinal in the Suit of Water, Scorpio and fixed modality, and Pisces and Mutable modality. The image is of a hand emerging from the clouds holding a golden chalice overflowing with four streams of water into a lily pond with a dove dropping a Communion host into the center of the cup. Cups element of water equates to emotions and feelings, as well as intuition, and creativity. Aces are all about the new, new beginnings of all kinds. This card is most often an indicator for new love coming into your life. This may be a new romance, but it may also be a new art project. Anything that activates the feeling of love, and stimulates the flow of intuition, nurturing, and creativity could be considered. If you were drawn to this card this week expect to enjoy a new phase of loving energy flowing into your life.

I hope that this mini-reading has been helpful for you. If you have any questions about this, or would like to book a full personalized reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com





#TarotTuesday Reveal

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you.

There is a different crystal sphere above each of the cards. From left to right we have a clear quartz sphere, a rose quartz sphere, and finally a fluorite sphere.


As the revealed cards show from left to right the clear quartz is above the Two of Wands. The rose quartz is above the King of Wands, and the fluorite is above Temperance. Each crystal has a different energy and can hold a different meaning, as does each of the cards. I will explore each sphere and the card below it as a set, or pair. In my opinion this adds emphasis, or deeper meaning to the card selected. If crystals aren’t your thing just ignore the portions dedicated to them and skip straight to the card interpretations.

Clear Quartz

The first set on the left is clear quartz and the two of wands card. Clear quartz has the ability to focus, amplify, store, and transform energy. It is used in technology in watches, radio transmitters, and receivers, microphones,  ultra sound devices, memory chips in computers, and other electronic circuitry. The phenomenon of piezoelectricity, the release of electric charge under the application of mechanical stress, occurs in all noncentrosymmetric materials.  Pyroelctricity, the release of charge due to a material’s change of temperature occurs in all materials that belong to polar crystal symmetry class. Not all noncentrosymmetric classes are polar, and not all piezoelectric crystals are pyroelectric. All pyroelectric crystals are piezoelectric though.

These properties of energy amplification, programmability, and memory make quartz crystals useful for healing, meditation, communicating with guides, expanding consciousness, or really almost any other purpose you could imagine. It is good at amplifying the energies of other stones, or groups of stones like in grids. It is a wonderful material for wands and staffs, and everyone has seen or heard of a crystal ball for crystal gazing. In divination it can point to new energies, new beginnings, a need to make a decision and act quickly upon it, and dreaming of clear quartz can mean freedom from enemies.

Two of Wands

Wands are the element of fire, and often deal with issues involving growth, expansion, developing ideas, creativity, spiritual matters, intuition, work, enterprise, initiative, renewal, and energy.  Two is a number of duality, and choices. This could suggest relationships, partnerships, or attraction between people. Twos are also conversation and debate, or opposing ideas. Twos also represent all kinds of pairs and opposites. This card could represent a gateway to a new phase of life, deciding to start a business, or even a relationship for example. The astrological influence of this card is Mars in Aries, a fiery, action oriented energy. Overall this may suggest a time to write a pro and con list for anything you have been on the fence about, then get in touch with your inner-guidance, or higher self to confirm your stance and take that next step. Using your creative vision to craft your future in accordance with your will.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is called the heart stone, it corresponds to the heart chakra. This stone is also said to inspire love and beauty in all forms. Used for developing or attracting loving relationships with others, and even the self. In divination this stone is about forgiving yourself, and not allowing others to lay blame on you that you do not deserve. This stone also serves to help nurture a positive self-image, release emotional wounds, and learn to joyfully give and receive love.

King of Wands

This card carries the energy of fire, specifically fixed fire sign Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. In astrology Leo is said to rule the heart in the physical body. Passionate, creative, intuitive, loving, and inspired are all traits that Leo embodies. With the King card these traits show up in the form of a masculine leader who will supervise and delegate. The person who the King of Wands represents in your life (whether it is you or someone else in your world) is likely to be charismatic and masterful. Sometimes it is said that Leos, or the King of Wands types can have egos that are too big. While some might, usually what is really needed is some rose quartz type nurturing and love. With this card it may be that it will represent you and a need to step into a leadership role, or if it is someone in your life like an authority figure (a boss for example) then you might want to try to handle them with some soft, gentle energy to improve things with them, the same would likely apply to a personal relationship with a King of Wands right now. Use the loving rose quartz energy of the healing heart for whoever is involved.


Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.


This card is the fourteenth card in the Major Arcana.  Most versions show a winged Angel (or person) pouring liquid from one cup into another, with one foot in the water, and one on land. This represents balance, and also moderation and patience as well. This card can show a need to blend things together like an artist mixing colors of paint to arrive at the perfect hue. This is alchemy. This card is ruled by Jupiter and is of the fire element. Jupiter is expansive and also said to represent the guru, wise one, or god. The winged Angel is standing on the ground, with a foot on the Earth and one in water, a blending of elements, a balancing of energies in many ways is what is called for when this card appears. Listening to your inner-guidance, higher-self, or if you prefer guru, and balancing that with what seems to be called for on this physical plane, and what feels right emotionally is the juggling act to preform right now.

I hope that this edition of Tarot Tuesday was enjoyable and helpful for you. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a full, personalized reading please contact me at april@lodestarphx.com



Historically Pendulums have been used for dowsing of everything from water to gold and other important metals, and minerals. Dowsing, also known as divining was done with many different tools. Dowsing twigs, or metal rods were often employed. Currently Pendulums seem to be winning the popularity contest for dowsing. The wide variety of attractive shapes and materials, especially crystals that pendulums can be made of is helping with their popularity.

Pendulums are also easy to use and fairly portable as well. Most people have at least heard of them, even if they haven’t used one themselves. There is a lot to like about them, and only one downside. You need to ask your questions in a yes or no format to get answers. This small inconvenience is easy enough to work with though. It can lead you to think about developing clear questions in such a way that you might find yourself gaining insight into an issue before you even start asking the questions to the pendulum.

Pendulum Board

A pendulum board is not really necessary to use a pendulum. It is a helpful accessory that might help a beginner to gain confidence more rapidly. And really they are just nice to have. I have found that some of these boards can also do double duty as a place to set up small crystal grids when not in use with the pendulum. Like pendulums, nowadays pendulum boards come in all manner of shapes, styles, and even materials. Most are set up to easily identify yes and no, and many will have a maybe, or not now (don’t want to answer) heading. Some elaborate boards may have alphabets, numbers, moon phases, seasons, or any number of other items included on them. If you can’t find one that will work for you, you could of course craft your own.

Using a Pendulum

While a pendulum is easy to use, it does require some groundwork to using it. Before you start dowsing with your pendulum you will want to program it. This is more like getting to know it than telling it how to do it’s job. You will ask it to show you yes, and to show you no. You might also want to ask questions you already know the answers to like “Is my name Jane Doe?” If that is your name then the pendulum will show you yes, if it isn’t you name it should show you no. Also ask a question you know will get a no answer as well (use the Jane Doe one if that isn’t your name). I am sure you get the point and can come up with your own yes and no questions. Most pendulums will either move toward and away from you, in an up down kind of motion, or clockwise for yes. For no most will either move from side to side, or counterclockwise. These are just the most common motions, yours may be different. As long as it moves the same way when you ask a yes question, and another way for a no question then you will know it has been “programmed”. Now you are ready to ask your real questions.


Dowsing is best done in a setting like you would use any other divination tool, be it tarot, oracle decks, or even runes. You want to be in a place where you will not be disturbed, that you find calming. If you want to set up an altar, light incense and candles, smudge yourself or your space, then please do. Whatever steps you would take to prepare to contact your higher-self or the divine should be taken.

Like other types of divination it is a good idea to refrain from asking questions if you are too upset, or emotionally charged as this might have an impact on your dowsing. It is best to place your arm on a table top, bending your elbow at a ninety degree angle. Gently hold the end of the chain, or the fob itself, allowing the pendulum to hang freely, over your pendulum board, if using one. Now concentrate and ask your question, either aloud or silently is fine. You might need to ask a whole series of questions to get the exact information you are looking for. Just remember to phrase them as yes or no types of questions.

Additional Uses

There are so many different kinds of things you could decide to look into and ask about, really the only limit will be your imagination, and ability to put a question into a yes or no format. Some people have more than one pendulum. With so many different types of pendulums available you might decide to have a Rose Quartz pendulum to do love readings with. Or maybe an Amethyst pendulum for spiritual or healing work.

Once you get comfortable with dowsing you will likely want to explore some of the other exciting things you can do with your pendulum. An example of more advanced use might be energy work, like Chakra balancing. It is a relatively simple procedure to clear and balance Chakras. It is even possible to do this from a distance. Along the same line you can do space clearing with your pendulum as well. It really is a wonderful, multi-functional tool to have at your disposal.

Pendulum Kits

Lodestar Phoenix currently has pendulum kits available that include a unique pendulum, a pendulum board, a storage bag, and a downloadable PDF guide book for $25.00. You get to choose your very own pendulum and board to go with it. https://lodestarphx.com/products/ 

Pendulums are clear quartz, rose quartz, or amethyst with a variety of fobs to choose from. Some fob options include: shell, coral, and pearl, skull bead, jasper, fluorite chips, coral and bone skull bead, howlite, and turquoise and skull bone bead.

Custom leatherette Mat types: Circular Moon Phase Mat or Square All Seeing Eye Mat. Colors available: black/tan, gray/black, sand/black, oxblood/black and deep blue/black.

Please contact April at april@lodestarphx.com with any questions you may have.