Tarot Tuesday Reveal March 5th.

Tarot Tuesday

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Tarot Reveal

Once you are ready pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. This week’s tarot deck is the Universal Waite Tarot, published by U.S. Games systems, Inc. With drawings by Pamela Colman Smith, recolored by Mary Hanson Roberts. The crystals above each card are used as markers, and will be included in the mini-readings that follow. From left to right we have  Mangano Calcite above the Nine of Pentacles, Apatite above the Eight of Cups, and Pyrite above the Knight of Wands.

Mangano Calcite

This variety of Calcite belongs to the carbonates mineral class and exhibits a trigonal crystal system. It is found in the United States, Brazil, Peru, Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland and Romania. It is also called “pink Magnesium Calcite” and even “the Reiki stone”. It is said to be a feminine crystal and some of it’s healing benefits are believed to include having a positive effect on the female body. It has a calming and nurturing energy that allows one to relax into feeling aligned with Universal love, and self-love. This stone resonates with the Heart Chakra. It is also said to have the energy of motherly love, which can ease emotional hurts and promote self-love, and self-care. It is associated with the astrological signs of Cancer, Libra, and Taurus. In divination this stone may show up when we are being offered the opportunity to learn lessons of Universal love.

Nine of Pentacles

This card is a Minor Arcana card or pip card. This card is an Earth element card, and is said to carry the energy of Venus in Virgo. The number nine is a number that represents culminating energy. Pentacles represent money and wealth, but also physical health and the material world itself. The card itself shows a woman in her garden with a falcon. This image speaks of self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, financial well-being, independence, and even creativity and spiritual connection (being able to use spiritual messages in practical ways).  She is alone in that she is the only person in the image, yet there is no evidence of her being lonely. A small snail near her feet might suggest a that it took some time to grow and develop not only the wealth but possibly the self-assurance as well. If you have chosen this card it may be time to focus on growing your “garden”. Now is not a time to build your world around what anyone else wants for or from you, instead build it to suit yourself. Learn to be happy with your own company, it is better to have fewer friends than many false ones.


Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals, hydroxylapatite,  fluorapatite, and chlorapatite. It is the defining mineral for 5 on the Mohs scale. Hydroxylapatite is a component in tooth enamel and bone minerals. Metaphysically this stone is seen as being a dual purpose stone that will help clear away negativity and assist in manifestation. This stone is associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, so creativity, communications, and intuition are assisted with this stone. It is also said to help suppress the appetite, and help ease fear of dental work being done. It is known for assisting with healing and balancing the Chakras, assisting with dream work, meditation, and past-life work. In divination this stone signifies slow, steady improvement that is permanent.

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups is the eighth card in the Minor Arcana suit of Cups. The astrological correspondence is Saturn in Pisces, the modality and element of mutable water. The image in this card shows a figure walking away from eight carefully arranged cups, suggesting as Waite said of the card, that the figure is abandoning all of it’s previous undertakings. The element of water is associated with feelings, emotions, and in some cases the sub-conscious, or unconscious. The number eight in numerology represent power, and a need for decision making. Eight also is a number of balance and harmony, of material and spiritual. In divination this card shows a need to make a decision to leave or quit something (or someone) that is not working, or is not balanced (power struggles that leave you emotionally drained for instance). You can do it fast like ripping off a band-aid, or slowly leave the scene, but emotionally as soon as you make the decision, you are as good as gone.


The mineral iron pyrite is an iron sulfide, thought to be the most common sulfide minerals. It is found around the world in a variety of geological formations. it can be used as a protective talisman. It resonates with the second and Third Chakras. It carries a masculine energy and its name comes from the Greek word pyros which means fire, as it has the ability to emit sparks when struck against a hard surface, or pieces are struck together.  It is often called “Fool’s Gold” as it can glitter and shine, but it is lighter in color than actual gold. This is a very protective stone that can assist with confidence. In divination this stone suggests checking carefully into any new opportunities, if it seems too good to be true, it just might be.

Knight Of Wands

This card is a court card in the Minor Arcana. It is known as Air in the Suit of Fire, and it has an astrological affinity with the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius. The image on the card is of a young knight rearing up on his horse in fiery appearing attire, holding a wand or staff. If this card doesn’t represent an actual young man in your life then it may concern all types of dynamic communication. Movement, travel, active, issue oriented and fighting for a cause are all keywords associated with this card. In divination it may point to an actual person of this nature that you encounter, or it may suggest travel or even a move. If you have been waiting to take action on something this is a sign to take steps to make things happen.

I hope that you have found this mini reading helpful. If you have any questions or would like a full, personalized reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com 




Tuesday January 22, 2019 Tarot Reveal

Tarot Tuesday Reveal

Take a moment and take a deep breath. Get centered, and grounded, then pick a card. By get centered I mean to get calm, focused, and to be present in the moment.  By get grounded I mean to uncross your feet and arms, with feet flat on the floor. It is also beneficial if you can quickly imagine roots shooting down from your root Chakra and feet into the Earth. Allow these roots to anchor you in a supportive way that neutralizes negativity and draws up nurturing Earth energy for stability. Sometimes more than one deep breath is needed to feel ready. Often three nice, slow, deep breaths are just right. Do what feels best for you..

Once you feel ready pick a card. From left to right above the cards are three crystal hearts that I will use in place a numbers 1,2, and 3. The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla.  The second heart in the middle is Fluorite.   The third on the right is Pietersite. I consider these crystals as being paired with the card they sit above. The different crystals usually share a common theme or energy with the card it is paired with.

The Reveal

The first heart on the left is Chrysocolla, and the card beneath it is the Nine of Pentacles. The second heart in the middle is Fluorite and the card beneath it is the Emperor. The heart on the right is Pietersite and the card beneath it is the Five of Swords. Take note of your initial feeling upon seeing what the card you picked is. Do you feel good about it? Does it leave you feeling anxious? Or are you feeling a sense of “oh that figures”? Noticing our initial reactions helps us in developing our intuition. The feelings and thoughts that first show up are usually unfiltered and have messages of their own to share with us if we pay attention. You can check these initial reactions later against what you may learn about the card and crystal pair and see if it has changed or gotten deeper.

Chrysocolla Crystal

Chrysocolla is a copper stone often found growing with Azurite and Malachite, and sometimes contains Cuprite. It can be found in the form of Gem Sillica, a crystallized form where the Chrysocolla is fused with Quartz. It ranges in colors from blues to greens. This crystal is known as a stone of empowerment for feminine energies, a stone for wise women, and as a Goddess stone. It is also known as a crystal that encourages people to stay home and not feel negative effects from seclusion. A stone for monks, hermits, and even prisoners. Helpful for public speaking and teaching, for sharing your knowledge. It is associated with the throat chakra, and the heart chakra through its blue and green coloring. In divination this crystal may mean that you need to be generous or allowing with someone whom you don’t particularly like. It may call on you to be diplomatic or tactful with someone at this time.

Nine of Pentacles

This card is a Minor Arcana card or pip card. This card is an Earth element card, and is said to carry the energy of Venus in Virgo. The number nine is a number that represents culminating energy. Pentacles represent money and wealth, but also physical health and the material world itself. The card itself shows a woman in her garden with a falcon. This image speaks of self-sufficiency, self-empowerment, financial well-being, independence, and even creativity and spiritual connection (being able to use spiritual messages in practical ways).  She is alone in that she is the only person in the image, yet there is no evidence of her being lonely. A small snail near her feet might suggest a that it took some time to grow and develop not only the wealth but possibly the self-assurance as well. If you have chosen this card it may be time to focus on growing your “garden”. Now is not a time to build your world around what anyone else wants for or from you, instead build it to suit yourself. Learn to be happy with your own company, it is better to have fewer friends than many false ones.

Fluorite Crystal



Fluorite is a very protective stone, good for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It connects the mind to universal consciousness, and helps develop links with spirit. It helps bring intuitive insights into the physical plane. Fluorite balances mental and physical energies and can clear negative energies from the aura. It is said to enhance mental abilities and has been called the “genius stone”. It needs to be cleared often as it is always working to absorb negativity from its environment. In divination this crystal is said to assist in making decisions that are practical, but also ethical and do not go against your principles.

The Emperor

This card is the fourth card in the Major Arcana. Fire is the Emperor’s element, and it is ruled by the planet Mars. This card shows an Emperor sitting upon his throne, holding a scepter, and a globe. This tarot card represents security, and stability, as well as power and control. It is about control of self, and the world around you. The Emperor is in charge, and makes the rules. This card can represent a father, or father figure, a leader,  a boss, or other authority figure. If you have chosen this card it is time to make the hard decisions and take the lead. Be the boss in whatever situation you are facing at this time. This doesn’t have to mean being mean, you could choose to be tough but fair. In any case now is the time to take charge.

Pietersite Crystal

Pietersite is known as the Tempest Stone. It can clear the emotional air like a thunderstorm is known to do leaving the aura and emotions feeling calm and renewed. It grounds physical energy centers to the etheric realm instead of to the Earth. It increases intuition, the use of the will, and the focus of one’s aim in life. It is also a powerful protective stone, especially against the elements, storms in particular. This crystal is also good for boosting confidence, creativity, and supports overcoming addictions. It is a blend of Tiger’s eye, Hawks eye, and Jasper with incredible chatoyancy (shimmery shine) that makes it seem to swirl like a storm brewing. In divination this crystal means that you will see things in a new way, usually after something is brought to light.

Five of Swords

This card is of the Air element, air is a representation of thoughts, and communications. The number five is a number that shows change,  movement, and transmutation. The air signs of Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini could figure into the associations for this card. The card itself shows several dejected figures and one figure in the foreground. There are stormy skies that might further suggest battles, or unrest of sorts. The scene appears like a battle has been won, but the victory may or may not have been worth it. If you have chosen this card then it is likely that there has been a fight of ideas going on for you. It is also a possibility that the new ideas that win will cause you to make some changes. Making changes is not always easy, but once we are far enough along to see the results of them it is like the difference between night and day. Also remember that often when making big changes we need to let go of what is not working and even though this leads to better things it can hurt or be unsettling to do so. So allow yourself to grieve what you will be getting rid of even if it is just an idea, or belief. When you are done the clouds will clear and the Sun will shine again.

I hope that you have found this to be helpful, or meaningful. If you have any questions, or would like to purchase a reading please feel free to contact me at april@lodestarphx.com.