Crystal Grids


I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love crystals. I would pick up random rocks and bring them home with me. Right before I started kindergarten I can clearly remember a new neighborhood friend showing me her rock collection. It was a very small box with different types of stones glued down in it. Suddenly it clicked that there were actually different varieties with different names, and you could collect them. I couldn’t stop thinking about that little box of rocks. Later I got introduced to gem shows when my grandfather would take me to “Gold Rush Days” in Wickenburg, it is an event that lasts several days and includes a celebration and rodeo. They had a small gem show where you could get “mystery bags” filled with small rough and tumbled stones in them. I was hooked, now not only did I want to just collect rocks, I wanted to learn about them.


As I learned more about different types of stones I was better able to make sense of  the differences I had been feeling between them intuitively. It began to make sense that many Jaspers for example have warm and supportive energies. It felt different from quartz energies, which feel cooler and faster, more laser-like in focus. Even though as an aggregate Jasper contains quartz. It also contains chalcedony and other minerals. I was perfectly satisfied to continue to learn about and use crystals individually, or sometimes combined in jewelry, pouches, or spell jars.

Crystal Grids

I started hearing about grids a few years before I began making them myself. For some reason I was resistant, or hesitant. I think I thought it was too “new Age” for me. The more I learned and thought about grids though the less this seemed to be true. After all one could make the case that Stonehenge for example is a type of giant crystal grid. What grids are essentially is a previously selected and defined number of crystals arranged in a harmonic, or sacred geometric pattern. The idea is that you can use the energy of crystals each individually with the other crystals to strengthen each other, and when combined in different patterns they become even more powerful. Some patterns might suit some purposes better than others. I have seen classic sacred geometry like Metatron’s Cube,  the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life, and the Fruit of Life. I have also seen spirals, hearts, and any other shape or form one could think of. Which one you use could be chosen intuitively, or researched to find the best for your purpose.

Why Use One?

If you feel that you want something that a single crystal might not have enough energy to accomplish alone, or if you want to make sure that there is energy constantly working for you then a grid may be just what you should use.  Grids essentially enhance and focus crystal energy. You decide what that energy will be focused on when setting up the grid. Grids can be set up just about anywhere where they will not be disturbed, and will then continue to work on what they were constructed for until they are taken apart again. Maybe you want to set up a protection grid for your house while you go on vacation and then you would take it apart when you get back home again. Some other examples might be to set up a grid while job hunting, or if looking to start a relationship, or even for passing a test at school. The only limit to why you might want to use one, or what you can use one for is your imagination.

How To Set Up A Grid.

A simple grid can be easily set up, and taken down again when it has finished doing it’s job. Most grids can be set up on a  geometric shape that can be printed onto paper. You can also buy or make fancy sacred geometry patterns to create your grids on, but it really isn’t needed. You can also just set them up by imagining a pattern and placing them in alignment with that, no pre-printing necessary. The usual method of creating a grid involves a main focus stone that is placed in the center of the grid. Many choose to use a point or generator crystal for this. A set of Way stones, usually six, or more, but in even numbers is also used. Finally a set of Destination stones is also used, again usually six, or more, but in even numbers.

The focus stone gathers, focuses, and amplifies the energy. the stones called Way stones are the closest to the Focus stone. These stones further modify the energy brought in by the focus stone with their color and other characteristics. The energy then flows on to the Desire stones which are the outermost stones in the grid. They are the desired end state, or destination you want from the grid. These stones should relate as directly as possible to what you wish to accomplish. They are stones you might use alone for the issue at hand, say Amethyst for example if your grid was for general healing, or to cease using alcohol. A final consideration is the Path, this is the path the energy follows on the grid. From the Focus stone to the Way stones and finally to the Destination stones, the Path connects all the energies of the stones and make the grid complete and synergistic.

The part some may say is most important is the activation. Once all the stones are placed the grid needs to be activated. For this get focused, grounded and centered. You can use a crystal wand, a crystal point, or even your index finger. Start with the focus stone and imagine the outcome you desire while touching or “activating” each stone. Follow the Path from the Focus stone through the Way stones and to the destination stones, imagining the whole grid lighting up with energy as you do. Focus on your desire becoming real.

If you plan to have your grid up over a period of time remember to stop by daily and meditate with its energies, and visualize the energies flowing from the Focus stone along the Path again to recharge your alignment with your grid.

Go Ahead And Experiment

Once you have the basic idea of how to work with grids then go ahead and experiment. Make it unique, and personal, try new shapes and stone combinations. This is an area where the rules can be broken in my opinion. The true test of if you have done it “right” or “wrong” is “Does it work for you?” Play, have fun, the crystals want to help us and want us to feel good, this is great energy to load into a grid.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope that you have found it helpful. There are many resources online to learn about crystal grids, and sacred geometry to assist you in making better and better grids.